Boycott Weapon Gains Strength | Need Broader…

Since last October, a boycott campaign has emerged as a small yet powerful protest against the genocide and ethnic cleansing of innocent Palestinians…

Severe Heat wave: Need to Stop Oppression an…

For the past few weeks, the country has been experiencing an extreme heat wave. The unusual heat is causing significant discomfort for people and ani…

Modi's Hatred for Islam and the Arabs' Love …

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the leader of extreme Hindutva party BJP, has again called Indian Muslims 'infiltrators'.  Modi made this comme…

Mufti Abul Hasan Muhammad Abdullah

Ramadan: Season of Advancing on the Path of …

Once again, Ramadan Mubarak graces the hearts of Muslims across the globe after a year. Each believer-Muslim eagerly awaits this sacred month, brimmi…

A Quranic Principle for Successful Life
They turn away from vain things

This world is like an exam hall. This life is like an exam. The duration of an exam is always short; so is the life of this world. However, the list of important tasks of a b…

Muhammad Enamul Hasan

Seek permission before entering others’ house

In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala has instructed the believers to seek permission before entering someone's house. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran – يٰۤاَيُّهَا الَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْا لَا تَدْ…

Mawlana Fazluddin Miqdad

Basic Islamic Education is Essential for All Muslims
Learn through the companionship of Ulama

[This is the summary of a speech addressed to the students of an online madrasa on 26, February, 2023. After the speech, there was a long session of question and answer, whic…

Mufti Abul Hasan Muhammad Abdullah

A wrong practice
Selling the fat of Qurbani animals

In many areas, in the days after Qurbani, vendors go door-to-door to buy the fat of Qurbani animals. People also sell the fat of their Qurbani animal. This is not permissible…

It is Wrong to Distribute the Meat of Qurbani animals without weighing

Many people perform Qurbani jointly. Seven, six or five people sacrifice a cow together. However, when they distribute the meat, they distribute it without weighing by assump…

Tawbah and Istighfar in the light of al-Quran

Tawbah and Istighfar are special qualities of a believer. Allah has created humans to worship Him and obey His commands and prohibitions. However, humans, being deceived by S…

Mawlana Muhammad Abdul Hakim

Earthquake in Turkey-Syria: Let's repent to Allah

The earthquake that hit some parts of Syria and Turkey on 6 February at dawn made many Muslims shocked. About fifty thousand people died in this earthquake. Many buildings ha…

Tragic Death of Pervez Musharraf: A Lesson for Rulers

Pervez Musharraf, the former military ruler of Pakistan, breathed his last at the American Hospital in Dubai on Sunday, February 5, 2023. Who was Pervez Musharraf? He was a …

Mufti Abul Hasan Muhammad Abdullah

Who is a Muttaqi in the light of al-Qur'an?

Muttaqi means the person who adopts taqwa. And taqwa is to follow what Allah orders and to avoid what Allah forbids. In this way, a muttaqi attains the pleasure of Allah by o…

Mawlana Muhammad Abdul Hakim

Don't desire what is beyond your capability; strive for good within your ability

One of the important principles that the Qur'an teaches its followers is to try for good that is under your control, to be eager in attaining good qualities within your abili…

Mawlana Hujjatullah

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