Zilhaj 1445   ||   June 2024

Boycott Weapon Gains Strength | Need Broader, Stronger Action

Since last October, a boycott campaign has emerged as a small yet powerful protest against the genocide and ethnic cleansing of innocent Palestinians by Israeli occupying forces. Despite the existence of over fifty Muslim-majority countries and the significant portion of the world's mineral resources controlled by Muslims, along with many Muslim billionaires earning substantial wealth globally, none have effectively stepped forward to protect their fellow innocent and unarmed women, children, and civilians from the oppressive Zionist regime. The governments of Muslim countries are preoccupied with preserving their own power. Some have even openly extended a hand of friendship to the oppressors, while others remain unjustly silent.

In this situation, ordinary Muslims around the world started another action besides praying and giving small relief aid. They began to boycott multinational companies that support and finance Israel. This includes well-known brands of soft drinks, shoes, cosmetics, food, and tea/coffee.

The boycott started small, but as Israel's attacks on Gaza and Palestinians continued, the boycott grew stronger. Not only Muslims but also many non-Muslims with a sense of justice joined the boycott.

Boycotting products like drinks, food, and cosmetics is not easy because people are used to these brands. However, strong faith and compassion have kept many people committed to the boycott. Many have not only stopped drinking these soft drinks but have also used this chance to give up such unnecessary items altogether.

Notably, the positive impact of this boycott is now clearly visible in many countries. These large multinational companies, which once dominated the market and had no close alternatives for many of their products, are now struggling. They used to charge high prices as they wished, but now their situation is pitiful. Despite offering many discounts, gifts, and even "buy one, get one free" deals, they cannot win back the boycotting customers. Some are even giving away eggs with their drinks.

If you visit large stores or showrooms of these brands in various Muslim countries in the Middle East and even in some non-Muslim countries, you will see this situation. It's clear that only a small part of society has voluntarily joined the boycott so far. If this boycott movement is strengthened through greater public awareness, its impact will undoubtedly be even more far-reaching.

It's not just the supporters of Zionists; there are many anti-Islamic groups worldwide. These groups profit from Muslim consumers' money but support enemies of Islam. For example, there is a group in our country that openly supports the Qadianis, known enemies of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). This group makes a lot of money by selling various products. They spend millions on advertisements and give generous commissions to local shopkeepers to easily market their products. They cleverly use multiple brand names to hide their true identity and deceive people. Often, their brand name is written very small on the product, so people don’t realize who made it. There is a call from religious scholars and devout Muslims to boycott this group's products. They believe that if people take this boycott seriously, it will definitely lead to positive results.

Similarly, many local companies in our country are also working against our religion, culture, and traditions in various ways. Some have become extremely bold, even acting against humanity by importing the worst kinds of indecency and immorality from foreign cultures. Certain groups are trying hard to establish harmful ideologies like LGBTQ+ and transgenderism in our country, where 90% of the population is Muslim. They are trying to destroy humanity and degrade people to a level lower than animals. Some identified organizations in our country are supporting these efforts.

It is the duty of our religious leaders, scholars, and everyone concerned about humanity to expose these groups and call for a boycott of their businesses and so-called educational and service activities. Without widespread public awareness and a silent boycott revolution, it will be very difficult to protect the people of this country, especially the youth and future generations.

Therefore, everyone needs to think about what they can do from their own position and place.

Translation: Fayez Ahmed

