Zilqal 1445   ||   May 2024

Severe Heat wave: Need to Stop Oppression and Public Immorality

For the past few weeks, the country has been experiencing an extreme heat wave. The unusual heat is causing significant discomfort for people and animals. Reports suggest this is the highest recorded temperature in seventy-five years, with similar claims made last year, indicating a trend of increasing heat. Analysts are busy discussing temperature records, future increases, and potential rainfall, though many predictions often fall short. Despite this, analysts and the media remain preoccupied with these topics. Some are even considering artificial rain as a solution. However, very few are addressing the real issue. The media is not focusing on it either. The fact that this abnormal heat is a special test, a warning, and a sign of punishment from Allah should have been the first point highlighted. From the highest levels of government to the general public, everyone should engage in collective repentance and seek Allah’s protection from greater calamities.

It is said that in countries like ours, if temperatures exceed forty degrees for an extended period, there is a high risk of significant harm. Researchers warn that such conditions could lead to numerous deaths from heatstroke and various illnesses. Is this good news? Is it something to be indifferent about? Yet, we all seem to be displaying such an attitude.

A true believer understands that everything, including the sun, rain, cold, and heat, occurs according to the will of the Almighty Creator, Allah. In many cases, human actions are also responsible. For example, desert countries have recently been experiencing heavy rains and occasional floods; is there a logical explanation for this? Therefore, Muslims need to move towards the correct course of action. All forms of state and personal oppression, abuse, and crimes must be stopped. The widespread public display of shamelessness and immorality must also be immediately halted, as these are the main reasons for Allah’s punishment. Merely performing the Istisqa Prayer (prayer for rain) and praying for coolness while remaining immersed in sin is not enough. May Allah, the Merciful and Compassionate, grant us the right understanding and keep us under His protection.

May Day: Can Celebrating May Day Alone Grant Rights to Laborers?

Like every year, May Day was celebrated again this year. It's dedicated to the rights of hardworking people. The tradition of observing this day began after a tragic event in Chicago, USA, in May 1886, where workers were attacked by the police during a gathering. Every year, this day is observed worldwide, both officially and unofficially, with various events and activities. Government leaders, state leaders, ministers, labor leaders all get involved in speeches in favor of laborers. Many even come up with lofty ideals. But what happens afterward? The day ends, and so does the concern for laborers. Sometimes, their leaders enjoy various privileges, but the ordinary laborers neither understand their rights nor their responsibilities!

The Monthly Al-Kawsar has previously covered the duties and rights of laborers in its articles. In the latest issue, there's a dedicated article focusing on Islamic guidelines regarding this matter. So, we won't delve into that. What we want to emphasize is that simply marking a day with celebrations doesn't bring about real change. Just as one cannot become a true lover of the Prophet (ﷺ) by merely celebrating the 12th of Rabiul Awwal without following the commands of Islam and living a life according to the Sunnah, similarly, if we truly wish to improve the quality of life for laborers, farmers, day laborers, and other hardworking people, it cannot be achieved just by celebrating a day, as it hasn't been achieved in all these years. Rather, those in power, responsible authorities, entrepreneurs, industrialists, businessmen, and the owner society must take initiative. Whether it is industry, development projects, agriculture, or farms of all kinds, they all rely on the hard work of these people.  Hence, true development of a society or state is impossible without them.

Another point that needs to be mentioned is that merely talking about the rights of hardworking people is not enough. It is not sufficient to just increase their wages every couple of years; there needs to be extensive arrangements for their proper training. This will help them become more skilled and diligent in fulfilling their responsibilities. There is a common complaint that laborers and day workers do not work properly, slack off whenever they get a chance, and try to deceive. Can the powerful and influential avoid responsibility for this? It is also the responsibility of the influential class to make these people skilled, trained, and aware. If they are made skilled through extensive training, given the rights that Islam has provided them, made aware of their responsibilities, and if efforts are made to instill basic religious principles and piety in them, if they are taught about honesty, integrity, and rights, then will that society remain like the current society? The real solution lies in that path. We Muslims are going in the opposite direction. May Allaah grant us the right understanding.

Translation: Fayez Ahmed


