Rajab 1445   ||   January 2024

​​​​​​​ If Israel and America were Sudan and Cambodia...!

Wusatullah Khan

Joe Biden indeed has at least one quality. That is, he remains consistent with his words. For instance, on October 7, there was a surprise attack by Hamas in southern Israel, resulting in the unfortunate death of about 1200 civilians, including 300 Israeli soldiers. Around 250 people were taken hostage by Hamas in their area. Initially, everything seemed okay. However, soon after, the backstage influencers became active and there were reports and rumors circulating that during the attack, some women were assaulted by Hamas guerrillas. Also, about 40 Israeli children lost their lives due to throat-slitting incidents.
Joe Biden accepted rumors as true without verifying the facts and labeled Hamas's throat-slitting of children as barbaric. Although the US State Department and the White House have repeatedly attempted to convey this to the honorable President, Uncle! The 40 children whose throats were supposedly cut, Ma-Sha-Allaah, are still alive today. None of the women who were publicly assaulted have come forward, even after accusations from the Israeli administration. If anything like that happens, we will inform you first. Please be patient and follow our briefing.
I'm not sure, but someone may have tried to inform Joe Biden about this news. In response to the reported killing of 40 children and the confirmed death of 1200 Israelis, Israel has martyred 19,000 Palestinians so far. Among them, around 7,500 are children, many of whom have been crushed under the rubble of demolished buildings. Their bodies are not yet buried, and this distressing situation still continues.
The readers are already aware, getting an eighty-year-old out of his delusional web is more challenging than getting an eight-year-old to respond. While it is possible to convey to a child using simple gestures, what can be done for the elderly? However, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has bridged the remaining gaps. He visited Tel Aviv for the first time since the October 7 attacks to convey condolences to Netanyahu for Israel's losses and stated that, alongside being the U.S. Secretary of State, he is also personally affected as a Jewish person today.
In the seventh week of the ongoing mass killings in Gaza, President Joe Biden, following the tradition of President Nixon and all subsequent presidents, recalled the Jewish Hanukkah celebration during an event at the White House. He emphasized that America would uphold its commitment to support Israel's strong position in the Middle East. Biden highlighted that every Jew today would feel insecure without Israel. Reflecting on the past, 35 years ago, I informed the Senate that the $3 billion in annual aid to Israel is the best investment for America. I also conveyed that being a Zionist does not require being Jewish, and I, too, am a Zionist.
The Biden administration's Israel policy was explicitly revealed and reiterated at the White House Hanukkah celebration two weeks ago. If someone still does not grasp this policy, no other example will persuade them.
The United States is a signatory to the 1948 United Nations Convention against Genocide. As per the Convention's definition, any of the following actions carried out with the intention of completely or partially exterminating a race, religion, or ethnic group shall be classified as genocide:
1. Intentionally killing members of a specific group.
2. Inflicting severe physical and mental harm upon members of that group.
3. Imposing restrictions on their way of life, endangering the group's existence.
4. Implementing measures to suppress their birth rates.
5. Forcibly relocating their children.
Among the above five conditions, Israel has fulfilled the first three. They have been launching bomb attacks and gunfire indiscriminately with the aim of completely eradicating the Palestinians residing in a specific area (Gaza Strip). The total energy of the munitions dropped by them from October 7 until today is more than two and a half times that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The CIA from the United States itself has acknowledged that 50 percent of the bombings in Gaza so far have been reckless or untargeted. These bombs have the potential to destroy any person or structure without a specific target, causing physical and mental harm to specific groups as a whole.
Since October 7, Israel has cut off the supply of essential resources like food, water, electricity, and medicine to Gaza. Hospitals, schools, colleges, and shelters have been intentionally destroyed with the sole aim of ethnic cleansing. The only goal is national destruction. Furthermore, the situation is being manipulated to force the 2.3 million residents of Gaza to evacuate their homes and migrate.
The Biden administration is deeply involved in this genocide. By consistently vetoing cease-fire proposals, it shields Israel from UN sanctions. Notably, the US administration not only provides weapons to Israel for use in Gaza but also recently delivered a shipment of 14,000 heavy munitions for tanks and artillery, bypassing Congress under the pretext of an emergency.
Despite numerous incidents, American media outlets, articles, and editorials have refrained from using the term "genocide" to describe Israel's actions. Instead, the media consistently frames it as Israel exercising its right to self-defense.
This is a straightforward case of genocide according to the International Criminal Court. However, when it comes to America and Israel, there is hesitation and reluctance even in the face of clear and plain accusations. Interestingly, both countries are among those listed for violating the decisions of the International Criminal Court.
If Israel and America were called Sudan, Liberia, Cambodia, or Serbia, Joe Biden and Netanyahu would find themselves facing the International Criminal Court in The Hague today.
Interestingly, the United Nations has issued an arrest warrant for Putin, accusing him of committing half as many acts of genocide in Ukraine as in Gaza. Due to the fear of arrest, Vladimir Putin cannot visit a country that is obligated to arrest him and deliver him to the International Criminal Court.
[The writer is a journalist and regular columnist for BBC and Express News Network.]
Leaders of Sudan and Cambodia have been brought to trial at the International Criminal Court of Human Rights and War Crimes. Under the same law, Joe Biden and Netanyahu should have stood trial as well. However, that did not happen because they are leaders of countries named Israel and America. - Editor

Translation: Fayez Ahmed

