Jumadal Ula-Jumadal Akhirah 1445   ||   December 2023

Ugly Role of Muslim Countries in Palestine Issue

It's been two months since Israel started bombardment in Palestine and shows no sign of stopping its killing and massacring Palestinian Muslims. Innocent women, children, and even patients in hospitals are not spared from their attacks. Children and hospitals seem to be the special targets of Israeli bombardment. More than fifteen thousand Palestinian Muslims have been martyred, more than half of whom were children. Many more innocent people were wounded.
But the world is silent. World leaders are not only quiet; rather, Joe Biden, the elderly President of the USA, is still saying, "Israel has the right to defend itself." That is, killing thousands of people is their way of defending themselves; while they themselves are the occupiers and illegal settlers. It is easy to imagine the role of America and its allies. However, the role of Muslim countries, especially Arab countries, is so painful. The world is stunned by the silence of Arab countries. 
The OIC and Arab Muslim countries could not take any unified action. A meeting of OIC and Muslim countries' leaders was held on 12/11/2023, chaired by MBS. However, due to disagreement among influential Muslim countries, including the UAE, no decisive action was taken against Israel. Despite proposals from countries like Turkey, Malaysia, and Iran to impose sanctions on businesses and halt oil sales to Israel, these measures were not accepted due to opposition from some Arab Muslim countries. Consequently, no effective decision emerged from that meeting. While people around the world raised their voices against Israel, millions in Europe and America protested. A pro-Israel state minister was dismissed in Britain, and many high-ranking officials have left their jobs due to government policies in America and Europe. Several countries, including South Africa, strongly demand punishment for Israel and Netanyahu for war crimes. In this situation, the voices of Israel's allies have become somewhat softer and lower.
But Muslim and Arab countries, who should have played a role first of all, are busy with luxuries, games, and entertainment. The lust for money and power has driven them mad. They are always in fear of death. Surely, no Muslim ruler can establish power by opposing Islam and licking the legs of Zionist lords. Instead, like many rulers in the past, they are bound to lose power with disgrace. Unfortunately, they still do not seem to learn any lessons from history.
However, Arab or Muslim rulers, who are coward and greedy of power, can not stop defeat of Israel or victory of Palestine. In sha Allah. When that day will come, what will be their condition? May be they have already started trembling due to Tufanul Aqsa.

