Rabiul Akhir 1445   ||   November 2023

Teaching Aqeedah in Maktab:
it's Importance, Necessity, and Teaching Method

Mawlana Muhammad Abdul Malek

A few days ago, some religious-minded brothers said to me, Islamic aqeedah and beliefs should be taught to children in maktab properly with due importance. However, in our country, despite the great necessity of the subject, it is not given enough relevance. Firstly, Iman depends on the correctness of Aqeedah. Secondly, many children discontinue the study of deeni matters in maktab at an early stage. Rather, they pursue general education in conventional government schools, where there is no opportunity to learn religion. 

Therefore, if children studied Aqeedah in maktab accordingly, then, regardless of the education they go on to pursue or the career path they choose to adopt, we can hope their iman will stay safeguarded and they will not fall prey to the call of deviant groups and ideologies.

If you want to instill steadfastness in the hearts of children regarding Iman and Islam, then cultivate love and affection for Allah and the Prophet (peace be upon him) within them. Inculcate in their minds the fundamentals of Islam, such as achieving success in the Hereafter, attaining the pleasure of Allah, and avoiding His anger and displeasure. Impress upon their hearts that there is no way to attain the pleasure of Allah and salvation in the Hereafter except by following Islam. Therefore, everyone should acquire correct knowledge about the rights of Allah upon His servant and the rights of His servants upon one another, and then diligently fulfill those rights. This is the most important obligation of Islam.

Our predecessors gave much importance on teaching children the Aqeedah of Islam in maktab and nurturing them with Iman. 

However, those brothers’ notion that there is no proper system for teaching Aqidah to children or that there are no suitable books for teaching Aqidah to ordinary individuals is not accurate. 

Ma-sha-Allah/Alhamdulillah, there are numerous opportunities for ordinary people to learn Iman, Aqidah, and the essential of deen. If someone wishes to acquire this knowledge through a book, it should be done by arranging lessons with an Alim or by reading and studying it under his supervision. Matters that require practical demonstrations (mashq amali) should be accomplished through proper practice. We have previously listed the names of books that are beneficial in this regard in past issues of Alkawsar.

To teach Aqidah to the children, it isn't necessary to have a designated book particularly on the subject of aqidah entitled ‘Kitabul Aqidah’ or ‘Book of Aqidah’ as is done with older students. Rather, making children memories the fundamentals of Aqidah (using any reliable title), inculcating the love for Allah ta’ala and His Messenger in their hearts and embedding the respect for Deen, Iman and the Sha’aair (symbols) of Islam is sufficient to achieve the purpose of teaching Aqidah.

It takes three to four years to complete the maktab syllabus. It is possible to teach any book to children in the fourth year. Imam Abu Zaid Qairawani’s (310 AH- 386 AH) friend Shaikh Abu Mahfuz Muhraz bin Khalaf used to be a maktab teacher. On his request,  Abu Zaid Qairawani RH wrote the book 'Ar-Risala' to teach the children of maktab obligatory islamic knowledge. He starts the book with the basic Aqidah of Islam, in accordance with the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. Shaikh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah published the Aqidah portion of the book separately and named it

العقيدة الإسلامية التي ينشأ عليها الصغار

In the history of Islamic education, many books can be found that were written for teaching children Aqidah and obligatory Islamic ilm, or there were many books which were taught in mekatabs and deemed appropriate by the teachers for the teaching of children. For example, in our country, children in the maktab are made to memorise various words, sentences and passages relating to iman along with their translation. These words and sentences encapsulate the lessons of iman.

Many maktabs also include the subjects of Hifzul Hadith and Adi’yah Masnusah in their syllabuses. These Ahadith and Duas also contain many aspects of Aqaid.

The book 'Aqida for Children’ by Mawlana Abu Taher Misbah is also includ2d in the syllabus of many maktabs. Teachers can summarise theese books and have the children memorize them.   

This is an age of fitnah and trials. Many children become disconnected from religious knowledge after completing maktab. Therefore, it is crucial to include an obligatory portion of ilm in the maktab syllabus. As a result, they will not be influenced by the call of deviant groups as they grow older and They will realize that the ideologies advocated by these groups are contrary to the Aqidah of Islam or the Aqidah of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah.

In order to achieve this, teachers will need to nurture the minds of children. Therefore, I think there should be easy and comprehensive books on Aqidah and obligatory Ilm. These books can be included in the syllabus of maktabs. Tteachers can discuss these topics with children during class so they understand them and think about Akhirah. 

 Ma-sha-Allah, children easily memorise 60 or 70 Ahadith with translation. Therefore, it is also possible for them to memorise some short verses of the Quran with translation. If they are made to memorise one or two verses with breaks, then it becomes very easy for them.

I will mention some sentences of dua, zikr, and Iman, for Sadaqa Jariya and getting rewards from Allah. May Allah accept it out of His mercy and make it a Sadaqa Jariya for us. Amin.


Translation : Enam Hasan Junaid


