Rabiul Akhir 1445   ||   November 2023

If unchecked, Israel will attack other Muslim lands

Mawlana Mufti Taqi Usmani

Dear brothers and friends! Currently, Muslims in Palestine are going through a very challenging time, causing instability among Muslims worldwide. Bombings are happening in the Gaza Strip. According to the latest information, over twelve thousand Muslims have lost their lives, and their homes have been demolished. Bombs are raining down on hospitals, and attacks are being carried out on the injured. Numerous women and children are becoming victims of this inhuman violence. Much of Gaza City has been turned into rubble. Witnessing the destruction of Muslim communities and the innocent lives lost, Muslims are feeling devastated and helpless. The so-called world powers who proclaim to safeguard human rights are not just silent but are shamelessly siding with the oppressors.

At this critical moment, I want to present a few things –

The reason of Hamas's attack

Firstly, there is misinformation circulated by Israel that has spread worldwide, leading to misunderstandings among several governments that aim to maintain a neutral stand. Muslims sometimes wonder why Hamas initiated a war by firing rockets at Israel, despite knowing Israel is much stronger with support from the U.S. and Britain In such circumstances, how can a few rockets make any impact? Some argue that Hamas has chosen the path of suicide through these actions, which is not a wise decision. In the current situation, with Hamas lacking advanced capabilities, control over airspace, and support from Britain and America, such actions seem impractical and almost suicidal.

 However, the reality is that Israel does not have its strength. It has been strategically supported and sustained in the Arab world. The objective is not only to end Palestine but to establish an anti-Muslim force in the Arab region, even within the entire Muslim world.

 As I discussed last Friday, Pakistan was established in 1947, and Israeli rule was declared in 1948. It was formed in 1948 through brutal means, with the bloodshed of thousands, the merciless killing of Muslims, and the forceful displacement from their homes. Then, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah described it as the 'unwanted child' of the Western powers. On one side, Pakistan was expressing itself as an Islamic power, but at the same time, it left a troubling mark in the Muslim world called Israel. Later on, through various diplomatic efforts, Muslim countries were persuaded to accept the idea that Israel should be recognized as a Jewish state. Some countries accepted this under pressure. In this way, countries like Egypt and Jordan officially accepted Israel.

 The situation has now reached a point where steps are being taken to establish normal relations with the central hub of Muslims, Saudi Arabia, to gain its recognition. The concern is that if Saudi Arabia acknowledges Israel, it might be hard for other Muslim nations to avoid doing the same. For this reason, a plan was being made so that all Muslim countries would unanimously accept them.

 Hamas hasn't launched an unexpected attack. History bears, conscious individuals are aware of the brutal atrocities committed against the Palestinians since Israel took control of this area. Soon after, Muslims were being massacred in various parts of Palestine. Hamas may have considered (Allaah knows the best) that once the Muslim world acknowledges them, a formidable power will emerge globally. This power would not only implement their vision for Palestine but also the Greater Israel they aspire to. Therefore, they believed that taking effective measures during this time might disrupt the growing alliances with various Muslim countries. This has indeed happened. Alhamdulillah, their actions have raised awareness among Muslims, and the 'unlawful relationship' that was going to be formed has been disrupted.

 They thought that one must die anyway. So why not die with honor? Why wouldn't a Muslim Mujahid embrace the path of martyrdom? For this reason, they have entered the battlefield. Even if some people fail to realize this campaign, for those whose life's purpose is to taste the cup of martyrdom in the path of Allaah, it is indeed a commendable step. Through the endless grace of Allaah Ta'ala, the balloon of arrogance that Israel had around the world has burst. If the Mujahideen continue the war with such determination, and Muslim nations fulfill their responsibilities, then we can place our trust in Allah's merciful grace and say that a decision may be reached in this war.

 Does Israel have any right to the territory in Palestine?

The second point is, that many people have this question, what’s wrong if the Jews want to establish their own rule in a territory where they have history and memories? That is, the region of Sham is the homeland of the prophets. Most of the prophets came from Bani Israel. And they are descendants of the Bani Israel. Now, if they want to establish their own rule in this region, what obstacles are there? Some people have such questions in their minds.

This is a piece of Israel's propaganda that they have spread globally. That is, we are the rightful owners of this land, so we will rule here. Let me clarify that Bani Israel ruled Palestine a long time ago, but their rule lasted only for a short period over thousands of years. Before them, the original inhabitants of Palestine were the Canaanites who came from the Arabian Peninsula (Jaziratul Arab). They lived here for hundreds of years. So, it originated under Arab influence. After that, under the leadership of Hadrat Samuel (AS), following Hadrat Musa (AS), Palestine was conquered. Bani Israel then established their rule in the region. But their rule was unstable, and, unfortunately, they had a history of killing their prophets, as mentioned in the Quran.

Even today, in the old rules found in the Bible, it is mentioned that they killed numerous prophets. Many centuries have passed since their last rule. There was never Jewish rule in Palestine, not even for a short period. Now, if someone comes today and claims, "Because our ancestors ruled here in the past, we will establish dominance and rule here," it does not make sense.

Tell me, if this theory is accepted, then where will the current world situation stand? The Red Indians (Native Americans) will say, we had hundreds of years of rule in America. And this history is not too old. It is our duty, therefore, to expel the people of America from there and establish the kingdom of the Red Indians. Not only about one place but if you apply this principle to the whole world, then the present world will end. Descendants of people hundreds of thousands of years ago will come and settle and drive out the current inhabitants - can any stable mind accept that?

This theory is only accepted in the case of Israel. The Jews were scattered all over the world, living in various countries like England, France, Switzerland, Russia, etc. They took the initiative to gather everyone and settle in one place. To achieve this, they had to commit mass killings of the residents. In 1948, they fulfilled this plan, with England playing a significant role and The United States beside them. They all collectively backed this illegitimate child. Thus, in 1948, Israel was declared a state. Meanwhile, Israel's then-Prime Minister Ben Gurion announced the state of Israel. Just two hours later, America recognized it. However, this announcement came after the horrific massacre of Deir Yasin, located west of Jerusalem, where countless innocent Palestinians were brutally killed and displaced. After that, Israel was established.

Therefore, claiming that Jews have rights here is completely wrong, both historically and politically. For thousands of years, they had no rule there. During this time, Muslims and Christians ruled for some time. Under Muslim rule, they were given complete security, and they had the opportunity to settle in various parts of the world. Sultan Abdul Hamid (R) of the Ottoman Caliphate once said that he would not allow them to settle in Greater Syria (Sham). However, under the Caliphate, they had complete religious freedom, with no restrictions on practicing their faith. They were not subjected to any injustice or discrimination. Coming after thousands of years, the Jews who now claim rights in this land are making an unjust claim in political terms.

In terms of religious perspective, they lack a legitimate claim. They claim that Prophet Dawud (AS) and Prophet Sulaiman (AS) built the Haykal (temple) here. We acknowledge that. Prophet Sulaiman (AS) built  al-Aqsa. However, Prophet Dawood and Prophet Sulaiman are also our prophets. The Jews have no right to claim here. Because, in their scriptures, whether called Torah or referred to as ancient laws, there is a narrative that Prophet Sulaiman (AS) at the end of his life turned into a disbeliever, and engaged in idol worship. (Nauzubillah). [Note: Bible, 1 Kings 11:4-10]

The Quran refutes the notion:

وَ مَا كَفَرَ سُلَيْمٰنُ وَ لٰكِنَّ الشَّيٰطِيْنَ كَفَرُوْا...

"And Sulaiman (AS) did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic..."

[Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:102]

So, on one side, it claims that Prophet Sulaiman (AS) was an unbeliever and an idolater. On the flip side, they claim the right of his establishment.

Therefore, in political and religious terms, they do not have any legitimate claim. But, since British America caused deep harm to the Arab heart by scattering the Muslim world and handing Israel a base, from that time, relentless oppression has been imposed on the Palestinians. In response, these brothers, after 35 years of long preparation, are attacking Israel.

In response to this attack, Israel is carrying out severe violence, causing a great loss of innocent lives, which is truly painful. But what's even more heartbreaking is that while Hamas fighters are standing up for justice, the entire Muslim world appears indifferent and inactive on this matter. Many have expressed their views verbally, and we are also speaking out. However, there is no effective effort being taken to support them.

According to Sharia, if non-Muslims attack a Muslim region, it becomes a duty for all Muslims in that area to engage in Jihad. This obligation starts with the Muslims in that specific region and then extends to the closest neighboring Muslims. If they are unable to respond, the duty is then passed on to those next to them. If there are still not enough, it extends to the people in the next region. This way, Jihad becomes a duty for Muslims in the neighboring states.

But there is also a saying that Jihad is mandatory based on one's capability. Whoever has the capacity and ability should participate in Jihad with that energy. So, it is the responsibility of the entire Muslim world to come forward and support the Palestinians with their lives, resources, and defense. However, this requires well-thought-out strategic steps that benefit them without causing harm. The Muslim world must unite and plan together. The cooperation should be done wisely to bring benefits, not harm. This involves strategic planning rather than publicizing everything. Wisdom and strategy are essential.

Currently, all I can suggest is that practical wisdom is needed, and all Muslim countries must come forward with full cooperation using practical wisdom. So, expecting them to stay silent and not take any action in such a situation seems unrealistic to me. I believe they will follow practical wisdom. I hope they will surely make the right decisions. May it be according to Allaah's will.

If Israel wins now, the war won't stay confined to Palestine. They might expand their control to the nearby regions. They are like a black serpent, if its venomous fangs are not removed now, it will spread to other Muslim territories as well. That's why the entire Muslim world must take steps to end this crisis. Ordinary Muslims may not be able to go there and physically fight, and even if they do, it might not help much. But at least, they should offer whatever cooperation they can.

We have started a small initiative to provide financial aid to the Muslims in Gaza who are going through tough times. Alhamdulillah, the assistance is reaching them, and any Muslim brother can join if they wish.

Imagine if bombs were falling on us, our children were losing their lives, and our women were in danger. What would we do? Could we feel safe? Offer assistance to the best of your ability. Stay deeply connected with Allaah. It is the responsibility of a servant to untiringly make efforts and turn towards Allaah.

So that Allaah, at this moment, unfolds the following events before us –

كَمْ مِّنْ فِئَةٍ قَلِيْلَةٍ غَلَبَتْ فِئَةً كَثِيْرَةًۢ بِاِذْنِ اللهِ

“How many times has a small force defeated a mighty army by the will of Allaah!”

[Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:249]

 May Allaah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala grant us all that capability and success. – Ameen.


Translation: Fayez Ahmed



