Rabiul Akhir 1445   ||   November 2023

History Will Record

Abu Farha

History will record that Gaza fought alone during days of great difficulty while there are 21 Arab countries around it. They had forces armed with modern weapons, but they did not move forward to help Gaza.

History will record that two volunteers from the Arab Emirates joined Magen David Adom to provide medical aid to wounded Jews, while Israel was bombing hospitals in Gaza.

History will record that the people of Gaza were in desperate need of food, medicine, and water, yet the entire Arab world could not send a single relief truck into Gaza out of fear from Israel.

History will also record that Gaza, the tiny enclave besieged for 17 years, defeated an army feared by the forces of 21 Arab countries.

It will be written in golden ink that Gaza has enlightened the future path of the Ummah, remaining steadfast in its duty with all its means, not collapsing before Israel, the occupier and its accomplices, while the so-called leaders of the Muslim world were scrambling to normalize relations with Israel.

O Allah, the All-Mighty, free Palestine and Al-Aqsa by Your might, by Your power alone. Help our brothers in Gaza. Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.


