Rabiul Awal 1445   ||   October 2023

Price Hike of Essential Commodities:
Government Should Take Massive Actions

Commodity prices have become unaffordable for the general population, causing distress among every citizen in the country. The middle class faces one set of challenges, while the lower class faces another. Expenses such as children's madrasa-school fees, rent, electricity bills, gas cylinders, and daily necessities are sources of concern for all.
According to experts, the country's overall economic situation is continuously worsening. Foreign exchange reserves are decreasing daily, and honest traders are experiencing extreme pressure and hardship. A few privileged trader syndicates, (as described by the Commerce Minister himself,) control the entire commodity market, and it appears that the government is unable to regulate them effectively. These syndicates seem to hold more power than the government itself.
In this dire situation, it appears that there is no one to look out for the welfare of the general population. The ruling party has held power for nearly a decade and a half, yet they remain unsatisfied and continue to focus on maintaining their grasp on power. Meanwhile, opposition parties are preoccupied with their aspirations to take control in the future. In the midst of all this, the plight of the people is overlooked.
In such challenging times, substantial government intervention is essential. Major development projects should be put on hold, and efforts should be redirected towards ensuring that the masses have access to quality food and essential goods. Until the cost of daily commodities aligns with the purchasing power of the common people, the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) should be activated to establish large stores across the country and sell daily essentials to the public at fair or subsidized prices. Only selling on trucks is not sufficient.
It's crucial to remember that no matter how effective one's strategy may be, eventually, they have to leave power, and ultimately, they will leave this world. Therefore, it is wise for everyone to consider their legacy before leaving power or this world forever. May Allah protect our beloved motherland and the lives, property, and honor of its people, and may He assist those in need.

