Ulama Whom We Lost in 1444
Mawlana Muhammad Zahirul Islam
Last year, we lost a large number of Ulama around the world, especially in the subcontinent. May Allah forgive them all and elevate their ranks in Jannah, accept their religious services, and grant us tawfiq to become their true heirs—Amin.
Here, we will briefly mention some of the Ulama who passed away in the year 1444 Hijri, with their names, titles, dates of death, and their contributions, insha Allah.
13 Muharram (12 August 2022), Friday
Mawlana Mahmood Hasan Hossaini Nadwi
He was a senior teacher at Nadwatul Ulama, and he authored several books, including ‘Tarikhul Islah Wat Tarbiyah’, ‘Sirat Da’i e Islam: Mawlana Syid Abdullah Hasani’, and ‘Hayat e Abdul Bari Nadwi’.
He passed away at the age of 52.
12 Safar (9 September 2022), Friday
Shaikhul Hadith Mawlana Zafar Ahmed Kasim
He served as a teacher and mentor to numerous Ulama, founded Jamia Khalid ibn Walid in Multan, and was a prominent member of the Majlise Amela of Wifaqul Madarisil Arabia Pakistan. Additionally, he was a student and khalifa of Hadhrat Mawlana Abdul Majid Ludhianawi (may Allah have mercy on him). He passed away at the age of 77.
14 Safar (11 September 2022), Sunday
Mawlana Sayid Nasim Akhtar Shah
He was the grandson of Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri rh. and a beloved teacher at Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband (Waqf). Proficient in Urdu literature, he held special expertise in the field. He passed away at the age of 62.
30 Safar (26 September 2022), Monday
Allama Yusuf Qardawi
After the demise of Allama Yusuf Kardawi, Shaikhul Islam Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani wrote on Twitter: 'A great scholar of the Islamic world and an enthusiastic Islamic preacher, Shaikh Yusuf Al-Qardawi passed away in Qatar. To Allah, we belong, and to Him is our return. Despite differences with him in certain matters, his contributions are significant assets for us. May Allah grant him forgiveness and reward him with Jannatul Firdaus, and grant patience to his family.’
He passed away at the age of 96.
22 Rabi' al-Akhir (18 November 2022), Friday
Mufti Azam Mufti Muhammad Rafi Usmani
He was the elder son of Mufti Shafi (may Allah have mercy on him). Shaikhul Islam Hadhrat Mawlana Mufti Taqi Usmani (may Allah protect him) was his younger brother.
After the demise of Dr. Abdul Hai Arifi, he became the 'Sadr' (head) of Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi. Ulama-e-Karam remembered him with the title 'Mufti Ayam' (Pakistan).
29 Rabi' al-Akhir (24 November 2022), Thursday
Shaikh Mahmud Tahhan
He was born in 1935 in Halab, Syria. He obtained his doctorate degree in Hadith from Al-Azhar University in Egypt. Later, he served in the field of Hadith at Riyadh's Jamiatul Imam Malik Saudi Arabia, and then in Kuwait University's Hadith Department. His book "Taisirr Mustalahil Hadith" is widely accepted.
12 Jumadal Ula (6th December 2022), Tuesday
Muhaddith Shaikh Abdur Rahman alKattani
He was the son and last student of Imam Abdul Hai alKattani, the author of famous book "Fihrisul Faharis". He was born in 1338 Hijri in the month of Safar in Fes, Morocco. He passed away at the age of approximately 106 according to the Hijri calendar. To obtain ‘ali sanad, the great scholars of Islamic world took Ijazah in Hadith from him.
4 Rajab (27 January 2023), Friday
Mufti Shahidul Islam
He was the founder-chairman of 'Al-Markazul Islami Bangladesh' and a former member of the parliament in Bangladesh. He completed Dawratul Hadith in Darul Uloom Banoori Town, and Ifta in Karachi. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he played a significant role in burying the deceased Muslims with honor and dignity.
11 Rajab (3 February 2023), Friday
Dr. Muhammad Ismail Mayman Rah.
He was a distinguished Khalifa of Shaikhul Hadith Zakaria Rah. Born in Junagarh, India, in 1935, he not only completed his formal education in medical college but also pursued Islamic studies at Darul Uloom Karachi. He served as the personal doctor of Shaikhul Hadith in Madina Munawwarah. Dr. Muhammad Ismail Mayman Rah dedicated a significant portion of his life to Islamic education, having served in Canada and New York. He established Darul Uloom Al-Madania in Buffalo, New York, and later founded Darul Uloom Canada in Canada. His influence is deeply felt among Muslims in both regions.
5 Ramadan (28 March 2023) Tuesday
Hadrat Mawlana Mumtazul Karim (Baba Hudur) Rah.
He was renowned by the name 'Baba Huzur.' He loved the students like a father. He was blessed with the companionship of numerous akabir ulama from the Indian subcontinent, such as Hadrat Mawlana Idris Kandhalwi Rah. He encouraged the students on the recitation of the Quran, Tahajjud, dua, and zikr. He extended his encouragement to the general public in matters of religious life. He drew the attention of devout wealthy individuals towards supporting religious institutions. All these endeavors were like his lifelong mission.
6 Ramadan (29 March 2023), Wednesday
Mawlana Shabbir Ahmad Rah.
He was one of those who gained the companionship with and Ijazah from Hadrat Hafijji Hudur Rah. He was also a Khalifa of Hadrat Abdul Halim Rah of Ulama bazaar. He was very thoughtful about the educational system of preliminary classes in Qawmi madrasas. In this field, he devoted his entire life. He was also a prominent instructor at the Wifaqul Madaris Al-Arabia Bangladesh. In Noakhali's Darul Uloom Al-Islamiya Char Motua Madrasa, he served as a dedicated teacher for an extended period.