Hajj of the Salaf: Some Events, Some Lessons
Mawlana Muhammad Tahir bin Mahmud
Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is the dream of every Muslim. It is a special media of relationship between Allah and His servants. It is a unique arrangement to express obedience before Allah. Today we discuss the different conditions, comments and feelings of the Salaf regarding Hajj.
Hopefully, all those who have gone or will go to perform Hajj will benefit from this article.
Help of the pilgrims
1. Bearing the expenses of all pilgrims in the village
It has been narrated about Abdullah Ibnul Mubarak that when he wanted to go for Hajj, he used to gather the residents of his locality called 'Marw' and say, "who will go to Hajj from this village this year?"
He took money from those who intended to go for Hajj. He kept the money in a locker, and then locked it. After that, he took all the pilgrims of the area for Hajj at his own expense. He spent generously on them during the journey. He provided good food. He gave them many gifts from Makkah. Back in the area, he organized a gathering. After that, he opened the chest and returned them their money.
Tarikh Baghdad 1/158; Siyaru Aa’lamin Nubala 7/369; Latayful Ma’arif, page 517
2. Service of students during Hajj
Mujahid Rah. Said, I used to accompany Abdullah Ibn Umar RA. on the journey (Hajj and others) with the intention that I would have an opportunity to give some service to him. But it was seen that on the contrary, he was giving service to me. - Kitabul Jihad, Ibnul Mubarak 1/159; Tarikhul Islam, Zahabi 3/148
3. Three hundred camels in the service of pilgrims
Sulaiman Ibn Rabi said, I was on a Hajj trip with a caravan of Basra. After Hajj, we set out to meet Abdullah ibn ‘Amr RA. Suddenly we saw a large herd of camels. One hundred camels carry the passengers and two hundred camels carry goods. We asked people whose herd is this?
They said, this is the herd of Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr.
We asked, did he own the whole herd?
They said, yes, he owned the whole.
We asked, how did he bring this luxury herd while he was a humble, moderate in living?
They said, why are you objecting? He kept the passenger camels for the transportation of his brothers and neighbors and the cargo camels for carrying their foods and goods.
On hearing this, we were very surprised.
They said, no wonder. Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr is a rich man. He thinks that it is his duty to host all the pilgrims who come to him.
We asked, where is he?
They said, they are staying in Masjid al-Haram.
We went out to look for him and found him sitting behind Baitullah wearing a turban and two sheets like a normal person. There was no extra clothes on him. The shoe was hanging on the left side. Seeing his condition, we thought that we were wrong. -Mustadrak al-Hakim 4/577; Hilyatul Awliya 1/291
Ihram: feelings full of Iman and Yaqin
1. When Ali ibn al-Husain put on the clothes of Ihram and rod on the camel, his face turned pale with fear. He was trembling. He could not even read Talbia due to fear. When he was asked, what happened to you, he said-
I am afraid, if I said Labbaik (O Allah! I am present), it was answered, La Labbaik wa la Sa'daik (You are not present, you are not lucky).
He tried to read Talbiya again; but this time he fell from the camel and fainted. The body was severely injured. This fear existed in him during the whole period of the Hajj. -Tarikh Dimashq 41/378; Siaru ‘Alamin Nubala 4/392; Tarikhul Islam, Jahabi 2/1144
2. When Malik Bin Dinar Rah. wanted to read Talbiyah after wearing Ihram, he fell off the camel and fainted due to fear. After a while, when he regained consciousness, he wanted to read Talbiya again, he lost consciousness again. It was said, what happened to you?
He said-
I am afraid, I said Labbaik, and it was answered, La Sa'daik (You are not lucky) -Tarikh Dimashq 56/412; Tarikhul Islam, Jahabi 6/248
Plain of Arafa : tears and crying
1. Hakeem Ibn Hizam RA. used to stay in the field of Arafah with a hundred sacrificial animals and a hundred slaves. He used to (slaughter animals in the way of Allah and) set slaves free. Seeing his condition, people used to break down in prayers and tears and say-
O our Lord! He (Hakim Ibn Hizam) freed his slaves even though he was your slave. We are your slaves, so free us from hell fire. -Siaru A’alamin Nubala 3/50; Latayful Ma’arif 1/284
Belief in Allah's mercy and forgiveness
1. Abdullah Ibn Mubarak rah said, I came to Sufyan thawri in the evening of the day of Arafah. He was sitting and tears were rolling down from his eyes. He looked at me. I said-who is the worst person in this gathering?
He said- he is the worst, who thinks that Allah does not forgive him even today.
-Husnuz zanni Billah, Ibn Abidduniya, p. 92; Latayful Maarif 1/287
2. On the evening of the day of Arafah, Fudail Ibn iyad rah. saw people crying and wailing. He said, "Do you think that if these people go to a person and ask for something amounting to a daniq (one-sixth of a dirham), will he drive them away?"
They said, No (he will not drive away this great congregation for such a small thing). He said- By Allah, forgiving them is a smaller and less insignificant thing than giving them a daniq. (So how can you believe that Allah will not forgive them?) -Al-Majmu, Nawawi 6/116; Latayful Maarif 1/287
Ali Ibnul Muwaffaq performed a total of sixty Hajj in his life. He said - After the 60th Hajj, I was sitting and thinking about my condition. I was thinking, I have come to the house of Allah so many times, but I don't know if this coming is accepted or not? Then I fell asleep. In my dream, I saw someone telling me, hey! you invite only those to your house whom you love. (Since Allah Ta’ala has allowed you to come to his house, he has also accepted your Hajj insha Allah) Then I woke up. I can't say the man's identity or anything else. -Tarikh Baghdad 13/598; Lataiful Ma’arif, page 162
How to ask others for something after coming to Allah's house?!
Salim Ibn Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar, the grand child of Hadhrat ‘Umar was doing Tawaf. Hisham Ibn Abdul Malik, the then ruler of Muslim world, was staying in Mataf by his side. As soon as Salim Rah. completed tawaf, Hisham ran towards him and took his hand and said, "O Salim, tell me if you have any need." Salim Rah. immediately said- Oh Amirul Muminin! It is shameful to ask anyone other than Allah in the House of Allah. -Tarikh Dimashq 20/64; Siyaru A’alamin Nubala 4/466
Hope for Hajj again and again
Hasan bin Imran, the nephew of Sufyan Ibn ‘Uyainah said, I was with the uncle on his last Hajj trip in 197 AH. While we were staying in Muzdalifah, uncle reclined on the bed after praying and said-
For seventy years I have been present in this blessed place. Every year I make this dua to Allah, let not this time be the last for my presence here. Now I feel ashamed to make this dua.
He thus returned and died that year in 198 AH. He was 91 years old at the time of his death. -Attbaqat al-Kubra, Ibn Sa'd 6/41; Siyaru A’alamin Nubala 8/465; Tarikhul Islam, Zahabi 4/110
Desire to die during Hajj or immediately after Hajj
1. Khaithama Ibn Abdur Rahman said-
The Salaf ( Sahabi and Tabi’iin and Tabi Tabi’iin) wished that they would die while performing some good deed such as Hajj, Umrah or Jihad. - Hilyatul Auliya 4/115
2. Muhammad Ibn Yusuf wrote to Hakam Ibn Burda:
O my brother! Fear Allah, whose punishment is very hard. ...If it is possible to end your life with Hajj, then do so. Because the least virtue described about Hajj is that the pilgrims return home as innocent as a newborn child. -Hilayatul Auliya 8/232
Respect for Makkah and Haram area
Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn ‘Umar RA had two tents. One was in the Haram area, the other was outside Haram. He used to pray in the tent located in the Haram area and meet personal and family needs in the tent outside Haram. When someone asked him about it, he said: Brother, this is Makkah, this is Makkah. -Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaiba 3/268