Zilhajj 1444   ||   July 2023

View: The Corrupt Stream of Publicity

Mawlana Sharif Muhammad

The integration of internet technology with mass communication has brought attention to a key measure known as 'views'. The influence of a message or visual element is assessed by how often it has been seen and how many people it has engaged. The effectiveness of a content or visual component is established based on this criterion. As a result, what appeals to people and how adaptable it is are changing, affecting not only media experts but also the audience. The world of digital media is s undergoing changes, influenced by this determinant, encompassing various preferences and levels of liking and disliking.
The media's feverish pursuit of ratings, spanning news outlets, newspapers, and social media, has given rise to peculiar and sometimes thoughtless trends in the world of persuasive communication. A fresh obsession has taken hold – the relentless drive to boost 'views' at any cost. As the numbers and depth of viewer-reader engagement rise, the spread of persuasive tactics and strategies will also increase, and their acceptance will grow. This initiates a competitive race to attract more readers and viewers, with new audiences witnessing millions of visitors flocking to that very content.
From the surplus of view counts emerges a fresh whirlpool of view escalation! And within this cycle of surge and spin, the core question of upholding the value and ethics of the subject being showcased will become secondary.  By eliminating certain deviations, the risks of promoting and embracing unethical, fickle, superficial, and inexpensive matters in society and the world are on the rise. A new cycle of distortion has come to the forefront, affecting the eyes and minds that perceive, the consciousness and hearts that feel. The call for well-being and morality insists on breaking free from the complexity of unscrupulous, valueless, and life-impoverishing view-surge that cloud the horizon. Unless there's a framework of process and rules prepared, the journey out of this murky abyss requires personal initiative to emerge from this shroud of darkness, to remain unburdened and free.
Embracing various forms of digital dissemination and management, including text, audio, and video content, requires a discerning assessment of quality, accuracy, and relevance to our lives. May the tainted currents of promotion not engulf me, nor intrude upon my time, preferences, and the fertile ground of sound judgment for distinguishing between what is good and what is not. Crafting a psychological trap is as simple as this: more views equate to popularity, and popularity equates to goodness. And even I must realize that popularity doesn't necessarily equate to quality. This very market driven by the pressure of promotion and reception plays a major role in undermining our core sense of ethical values. In the captivating realm of digital devices, without maintaining a sense of discernment and self-discipline, the task of shielding ourselves from the sway of harmful currents becomes notably challenging.
The term 'View' encapsulates the number of times internet-based content, whether seen or read, has been accessed. Lately, this very concept and its unfolding journey have transformed into an irresistible temptation. Technology, trends, and propaganda have joined hands to shape a fresh spectrum of degenerated culture. Rather than offering valuable, essential, and digestible content, alluring and enticing presentations are incorporated driven by the desire and tactic to capture a significant readership right from the outset. Following this, a host of misleading desires get intertwined behind less interesting or erroneous subjects. Then commences the journey of imitative curiosity. This is how the element, much like a forbidden fruit, transforms into a spectacle that captivates the gaze of countless eyes and remains in demand.
Not all elements that garner more views are of poor quality; the matter is not always as such. Often, deeply enlightening, morally uplifting, and intellectually stimulating subjects, at times, undergo transformation into content enriched with substantial views over a prolonged period. However, more often than not, the inclination to hunt for views revolves around capturing a multitude of attention through sensational negative content. This is the glaring downside of the view-centric trend. Over time, it reshapes the online landscape and social media, altering the space where people's genuine interests and passions reside. It distorts the metrics and standards of dissemination and consumption, leading to a decline in critical thinking or a waning of thoughtful engagement. This is how the emerging culture of detrimental trends is gaining ground and thriving.
To navigate this intricate maze of this propagative darkness, one must nurture the lens of inner virtue-seeking sight and perception. Prioritizing time, morality, and nurturing a wholesome palate, it's imperative to shield one's inner being from the negativity and malevolence of the online realm. Embrace the virtuous, shun the sinister, and cultivate an environment that kindles the pursuit of goodness. Quality should outweigh quantity in promotion—aligning with the good rather than focusing solely on numbers. Goodness and wickedness can never coexist. As Allah the Almighty guides:
قُلْ لَّا يَسْتَوِي الْخَبِيْثُ وَ الطَّيِّبُ وَ لَوْ اَعْجَبَكَ كَثْرَةُ الْخَبِيْثِ فَاتَّقُوا اللهَ يٰۤاُولِي الْاَلْبَابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُوْنَ.
Say, “Evil and good are not equivalent, even though the abundance of evil may dazzle you. So, O people of judgement! Fear Allah, so that you may achieve success.”
Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:100)

The impactful influence of 'views' or view counts, in all forms of formal and informal dissemination methods, is evident. Hence, the call for caution and restraint is equally significant for established and formal media outlets, as well as the digital extensions of all media platforms. They cannot resort to distributing polluted and misleading content solely to cater to the insatiable appetite of more eyes and minds. Guided by principles of faith, piety, rationality, and well-being, they should shape their promotional efforts. Maintaining these principles while navigating the competitive world of 'views' is crucial. If they engage in the 'Views' competition and succumb to the polluted whirlpool, it triggers an epidemic of unhealthiness in the consciousness and journey of a generation. It is essential for them to grasp this reality.

Translated by: Fayez Ahmed

