Zilqad 1444   ||   June 2023

Bashar al-Assad at Arab League Summit in Jeddah
Questions in the minds of peace loving people around the world

In May 2012, an article entitled 'Return of Jihad in the Arab World' was published in the monthly alkawsar. It was written in that article that the whole Arab world was united against Syria and its ruler Bashar al-Assad. They called the military operation against him ‘Jihad’. However, the word ‘Jihad’ was almost absent in the Middle East (as it is now) for a long time. Even the khatibs of the mosques used to avoid the verses regarding Jihad in the Quran and Sunnah. But at that time, the situation was changed very quickly. Preaching the merits of Jihad in mosques including the Haramain and calling the military operation against Syria ‘Jihad’ was a regular incidence at that time.

However, many years have passed since then. In that so-called 'Jihad,' millions of people lost their lives. Many were injured, and many lost their homes. But, the Arab kings and international powers could not shake the throne of Bashar al-Assad. Rather, Bashar has become a friend of those Arab leaders. He was warmly welcomed to the Arab League Summit held in Jeddah. This raises many questions in the minds of peace-loving people around the world. Has Bashar al-Assad repented and become a good person? Has he shown repentance for inflicting brutal atrocities on his citizens? Has he promised not to repeat these actions in the future? Unfortunately, he has done none of these. So, what was the reason for killing millions of people? Why was that power struggle labeled as 'Jihad'? It is extremely regrettable that even in today's civilized world, Arab and Western leaders initiate wars like children playing with toys. Syria and Bashar al-Assad is another example of this behavior.

They killed millions of Iraqis and completely destroyed a rich and historical state on the pretext that Saddam had nuclear weapons. Then they admitted that he did not have such weapons. After Iraq, many Arab cities and countries including Libya and Yemen were destroyed. Now, the Saudi prince known as MBS is probably looking for a way to escape from the Yemen war. In this way, they have made the lives, countries and properties of Muslims scapegoats to save their power for ages. But how long does this darkness last? How long will the imperialist world and their allies in Muslim world play with people's lives and property, honor and dignity?

The darkness will not last forever. The fall of the oppressors is inevitable, if Muslims become true Muslims.

