Shawal 1444   ||   May 2023

A wrong practice
Selling the fat of Qurbani animals

In many areas, in the days after Qurbani, vendors go door-to-door to buy the fat of Qurbani animals. People also sell the fat of their Qurbani animal. This is not permissible. Selling the meat, fat, etc., of Qurbani animals is prohibited. If someone sells them, the full price must be given in charity (Iilaus Sunan 17/259; Badaius Sanaye 4/225; al-Fatawa al-Hindiya 5/301).

It is important to know that it is not permissible to sell the meat, fat, hoofs, etc., of Qurbani animals. That is why those who sell the skin of the Qurbani animal give it for charity; they don't spend it for themselves.

