Rajab 1444   ||   February 2023

Ban on Women Education in Afghanistan
Saudi's Reactions, Our Suggestions

Mufti Abul Hasan Muhammad Abdullah

A year has passed since the Islamic Emirate was established in Afghanistan. Although international anti-Islamic media made a lot of noise about them in the beginning, later they kept quiet. Well-wishers and religious people asked me many times, what is about the Taliban government? How are they? How is the Taliban administration functioning?

I have just one response: "Brother, I'm like you; I know nothing."  I know as much as you know from national and international newspapers. But I would also add this- one thing is very clear, they seem to be doing well by the grace of Allah. Because, there are no bad reports about their internal security in the media except for some guerilla attacks made by IS.

In my opinion, as there is no negative news about Afghanistan in both local and international media, it indicates that Taliban government is well and functioning well. These media keep a close eye on them to expose their faults and mistakes to the world. Therefore, the absence of negative news regarding them indicates that they are succeeding well despite the fact that they did not receive international recognition and superpowers including America are still withholding their financial resources.

In the meantime, last month there was a big noise that Afghan government had temporarily postponed women's education in universities. It will remain closed until further steps are taken. As soon as the news was published, the world-media along with various countries and organizations started making noise that Taliban have not changed; they have reverted to their former appearance, and they still have hatred against women."

These are their old propaganda. From the title of the news, conscious people can understand what they want to say and what they used to say in this situation and how they used to show compassion towards women. These countries and societies and their media show respect to women on the one hand and on the other hand they treat them as commodities for their own interests. This is a different topic. I am not going to discuss it now. I want to discuss another thing that occurred surprisingly in Saudi Arabia. That is, unlike their tradition, Saudi authorities showed a strong reaction to Taliban's step. Saudi government has strongly criticized and protested the Afghan government's restriction on women's education in universities through a series of statements released in the media. They didn't just end here; they also issued statements against the Afghan authorities through OIC Fiqh Academy and Hayatu Kibaril Ulama (Saudi Government Council of Grand Ulama) with evidences. In today's short article, we will attempt to talk about only two or three of the following reactions.

Before that, let's examine what actually happened in Afghanistan. According to national and international media, the Afghan authorities have postponed coeducation in their universities. They reasoned, as there was no separate university for women yet, so they were permitted for them to go to university under certain conditions, such as wearing a veil and being accompanied by a mahram. However, at present, Taliban authorities are facing some problems with this system. Therefore, the university's coeducation system would be postponed. 

It should be noted that in Afghanistan, girls are still receiving primary education. At the secondary level, coeducation has been eliminated. At university level, coeducation was allowed on some conditions, which is postponed now. In Islam there is no discrimination in education. Women have the same right to learn as men have. They need to know as men need to know. Just as men do not study all subjects, same is true for all women. Women will not study all subjects at all levels.

We will discuss a few things more regarding this issue later. Let's first see what Saudi Arabia, the OIC Fiqh Academy, and Saudi Hayatu Kibaril Ulama have reacted to Afghan government's postponement on coeducation at universities. At the end of the last month (December 2022), their statements were published in Riyadh Daily (alriyadhdaily.com) along with other newspapers. First the Saudi Foreign Ministry issued a statement condemning the decision of the Afghan government. Then, they made their two most significant Shariah organizations release statements. One of them is the OIC Fiqh Academy or Majma al-Fiqh al-Islami. Although OIC (the organization of islamic cooperation) politically has not done much for Muslims in the contemporary world, the Fiqh Academy (a subsidiary organ of OIC) has accomplished a few great jobs. Bringing together scholars from different parts of the world, it has organized research and analyse of numerous new issues. In addition, it published several Fiqhi Journals. However, these days the fiqh academy also has become Mohammad Bin Salman's plaything.

Hayatu Kibaril Ulama is the highest Forum of mufties in Saudi Arabia. Its head is the Grand Mufti of the country. Being a state organization, sometimes it has caused controversy by giving opinions in favor of the royals or their policies. But it has also performed some admirable works in Fiqh and Shariah. Shaykh Muhammad Bin Ibrahim r.a., Shaykh Bin Baz r.a., Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen r.a., and other personalities were the heads of this organization. At present, this organization is also in a poor condition. They have not been able to say anything about the anti-Islamic acts Saudi government did in recent years. As for Rabita al-alam al-islami, now it has been completely destroyed. Dr. Isa, a highly controversial person, who misinterprets the Quran and Sunnah or interprets them in favor of his government, has been made its head.

There was a time when leaders ignored and suppressed religious personalities and institutions directly lest a strong voice should arise against their persecution and anti-Islamic activities. Now all over the world, the leaders have changed their strategy. Today they like to promote themselves as religious and attempt to take control of religious individuals and institutions so that they may campaign on their behalf and there wouldn't be much resistance or protest from them against their wrongdoing.

What did they say in their statements?


The OIC Fiqh Academy began its statement by saying-

أكد المجمع الفقه الإسلامي الدولي، أن تعليم الذكور و الإناث يعد في الشريعة واجبا شرعيا، و قد دلت على ذلك آيات مباركات من القرأن الكريم و أحاديث صحاح من السنة النبوية الشريفة.

That is- the International Fiqh Academy seriously declared that the education of men and women in Sharia is mandatory. There are many verses of the Quran and authentic hadiths in this regard.

Then they opposed Afghan government's restriction on women's education. They said, Afghan government's decision is against Shariah. Women used to attend the majlis of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Many female Companions were also eminent scholars, from whom male Companions also learned Hadith-Fiqh. Besides, through education, people learn how to safeguard their lives, property and honor, as well as how to protect their rights. Therefore, prohibiting or imposing conditions on women's education is against Islam.' The OIC Fiqh Academy's statement was long. However, their words were the same. Same information was briefly mentioned in the statement of Hayatu Kibaril Ulama.

Anyone who reads these two statements with an impartial and sound mind can understand that they made some nonsense comments, which has no relationship with the main topic. Avoiding the real context, they only gave some advice. Such as, education is compulsory for all men and women in Islam. Who does not know this? Even in our country, at the very beginning of education, children memorize this hadith with its meaning- 

طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم.

(Acquiring knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. -Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 224).

Every Muslim knows that education is necessary for both men and women. But is this the main topic? Has the Afghan government said that women's education is prohibited? Did they stop the primary education for girls? The answer is no. In Afghanistan, girls are still going to primary school for education. Afghan government said, 'in order to follow other rules of Islam, a separate education system is needed for adult girls. Coeducation is not allowed in Islam.' OIC Fiqh Academy and Hayatu Kibaril Ulama have not clarified in their statements whether coeducation is permissible in Islam or not, whether or not Shari'ah allows male students to study with female students at the university level? Is this system widespread in Saudi Arabia itself? Did co-education exist in Saudi Arabia before KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)? In very few places, women went to universities in Saudi Arabia. So, why did both the organizations avoid the main topic? What's the benefit of discussion if you don't enter into the main topic? Why did not they clarify the Shariah point of view about the reasons and problems, for which Afghan government postponed women's education at the university level? From these questions, it has become clear that these statements are made only for some political purposes.

On the one hand, the Saudi government holds the title of Khadim al-Haramain ash-Sharifine and the control of the two holy masjids and the management of Hajj and Umra, on the other hand, they have been changing Islamic culture and traditions in Jaziratul Arab under the leadership of their prince for the past few years. The Messenger of Allah (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) shed his blood, sacrificed his teeth, and companions sacrificed their lives to rid this land of shirk-kufr and bad culture; many companions of the prophet were martyred in Najd and Riyadh; now these holy lands have been turned into arenas for Hollywood-Bollywood actors and dancers. Even Jeddah, located next to the holy city of Makkah al-Mukarramah, is not freed from this pollution. People whose profession is to destroy Iman and Islam are invited from different countries to be awarded various medals. Millions of dollars are spent per day after each player from western countries. It is not unknown that the source of this money is oil and gas given by Allah. Resources directly given by Allah are being spent in disobedience to Allah. In addition, a competition of nudity and shamelessness is going on everywhere in Saudi. Especially in Saudi airports, as if one kind of women's exhibition is going on. In every work of immigration, there are women. Even, there are women in front of the hotel next to al-Masjid al-Haram. Women are standing on the street, distributing leaflets, distributing advertisement for a newly launched NGO in the name of MBS. Most of them are half-naked. What does this situation mean? Is it women empowerment or women's exhibition? Did all the educated men suddenly disappear from Saudi? Did Saudi Arabia make these statements by their shariah organizations to cover up their misdeeds in Jaziratul Arab? Do they try to say that what we have been doing in recent years regarding women is permissible in Shariah? For this reason, Afghan Government has been targeted. Otherwise, if they want to express their views on Shariah, then why did they not explain the main context?

According to the statement, some Sahabiyah were also great scholars of Hadith and Fiqh. Great male Companions also obtained Hadith-Fiqh from them. But why was it not said that they did it with proper hijab (parda)? The male Companions used to acquire knowledge of Hadith from the women Companions behind the veil. Why are these not mentioned in the statements? If they found any hadith that women Companions had done this without hijab, why did they not present it? In fact, Saudi Government took steps to distort Islam. If rich Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia, were sincere, and if the world's big organizations and countries, including the United Nations, were truly committed to women's education, they would have provided the Afghan government with all the financial and other necessary aids to establish separate campuses for women. Instead of doing that, they just give advice and make threats. It raises questions about their intentions. If the wealthy countries of the Middle East reduced the amount of money they are spending on sports and other so-called entertainment; and funded the education of Afghan girls, the Emirate Islami government would have built several separate women's campuses by now. Those who can't do any of these, how does it suit them to say slogans and big words? So Muslims must be vigilant about them. 

Our statement on this issue is that Afghan government should urgently organize a separate education system for adult girls. Higher education for Muslim girls should not be postponed for long. Instead, as soon as possible, they should start high school and university level education for women in separate campuses according to Shariah principles. Thus, they can set an example in front of the world. Initially, they can start the work by a couple of model projects.

Islamic Emirate government must realize that they are the only self-proclaimed Islamic state in Muslim world. After many sacrifices, they were able to overthrow the foreign powers and their native slaves. Now the whole world is watching them. On the one hand, many governments of Non-Muslim countries and unfortunately even government of some Muslim countries are trying to find out their faults to nip them in the bud. On the other hand, pious Muslims of the world are also praying for the success of Islamic Emirate government. May Allah give this government tawfiq to continue with the ideals of the Quran and Sunnah, and make decisions on religious matters with the help of skilled and qualified Ulama in Afghanistan and outside Afghanistan. It is also very important that any of their decisions should not create confusion among themselves and their well-wishers. And their success and survival are very important for Islam and Muslims in spite of hundreds of adversities. 

افغان باقي ، كهسار باقي + الحكم لله! الملك لله!


Translation: Alauddin Rafiq & Enam Hasan Junaid)

