Rajab 1444   ||   February 2023

Corruption in Textbooks
Some General Notes

Education is the backbone of a nation. It is education that makes a nation strong and perfect. However, if the responsibility of nurturing the backbone of a nation is in the hands of people who have no backbone, the future of that nation will be dark. Recently what happened with national textbooks in our country is really dangerous for a nation. Those who think about the future of the nation sincerely should try their best to prevent this degradation. The leaders of the nation must answer before Allah in this regard.

In the Holy Quran Allah mentioned the qualities of his ideal slaves. Allah says,

اَلَّذِیْنَ اِنْ مَّكَّنّٰهُمْ فِی الْاَرْضِ اَقَامُوا الصَّلٰوةَ وَ اٰتَوُا الزَّكٰوةَ وَ اَمَرُوْا بِالْمَعْرُوْفِ وَ نَهَوْا عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَ لِلهِ عَاقِبَةُ الْاُمُوْرِ.

They are the people whom, when I give them power on the earth, they establish prayer, pay zakah, bid what is good and forbid what is bad. And the outcome of all matters belongs to Allah alone. - Surah Hajj (22): 41

In this world, there is nobody who has no responsibility. Everybody has his responsibility as per his power and ability. He will be asked by Allah about it. As the leaders of the society have more ability they have more responsibility. Every master will be asked about his subordinates.

The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam says-

أَلاَ كُلُّكُمْ رَاعٍ وَكُلُّكُمْ مَسْئُولٌ عَنْ رَعِيَّتِهِ

Know that each of you is responsible and each of you will be asked about his subordinates. - Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 7138

Every master whether he is in the family or society or the country have to answer before Allah. The responsibility of a master of a family is not only to provide foods and other essentials for the children and other family members; it is also his responsibility to protect them from fire of Hell, by teaching them Iman, Islam, manners and etiquettes. The responsibility of the leaders of the country is not only to fulfill needs of general people,  it is also their important responsibility to ensure good education and take steps to protect iman Islam and morality of present and future generations. Leaders will be asked by Allah about this responsibility. So, as a muslim, we should be very careful about this great responsibility.

Recently what came into light from some educationist is nothing but shamelessness. How true is the word of the hadith is-

إذا لم تستحى فاصنع ما شئت

When you have no shame you can do anything.

A shameless person can do anything. After different kinds of immoralities and corruptions came into light, how can an educationist speak before media? Really, when people do not have fear of Allah, do not bid good and forbid bad, they lose their natural shame.
Islam clearly defines what is good and what is bad before mankind. Religion based education teaches them to fear Allah and to love him. It encourages them to follow guidelines given by Allah. Those who follow these guidelines develop etiquettes, self-restraint, courtesy and modesty. On the other hand, those who do not follow these guidelines, lose not only religious qualities but also natural human qualities. Falsehood, jealousy, immodesty, blood shedding spread everywhere in that society.
We have to understand this truth deeply and try our best to spread the light of Iman all over our society. We have to try as much as possible to protect our nation from all kinds of misguidance. Those who are speakers should use their mouths, and those who are writers should use their pens, and those who have power should use their power to stop this injustice.

It is ordered in the hadith clearly-

Whoever among you sees wrongdoing he should stop it with his hands. If it is not possible with hands, he should stop it with mouth. If it is not possible, he should at least hate it with heart. And that is the weakest level of Iman. -Sahih Muslim, Hadith 49

Let's fulfill our own responsibility towards our family, society and country. May Allah Ta'ala grant us Tawfiq - Ameen.

