Jumadal Akhirah 1444   ||   January 2023

Turn toward Your Lord in Difficulties

Mawlana Hujjatullah

When Musa a.s. realized that Pharaoh decided to kill him, he left Egypt and went to Madyan to save his life. After wandering through unknown villages and cities, he arrived in a place where he saw two women waiting to feed water to their lambs. But they were unable to feed them.

When Musa a.s. learned that their father was old, and was not able to feed the herd of lambs and therefore the two girls came to feed them, he felt sympathy for the girls and fed their animals.

After finishing their job, the two girls went home. Musa a.s. sat under the shadow of a tree. In this foreign country, neither had he a place to take shelter nor did he have any food to eat.

Until yesterday he was brought up at the royal palace of Pharaoh. Today he has nothing to eat and nowhere to go.  

Although apparently he doesn't have anything, he knows that Allah, who protects him in different spheres of life, is with him.

When Pharaoh's police were kidnapping every male child from the lap of mothers of Bani Israil, Allah protected him especially.

Allah was with him when his mother threw him into the river, and he was floating with the river's wave toward an unknown destination.

On that day, Pharaoh's wife Asia took him from the river by the inspiration of Allah. Pharaoh, who was killing many children in order to get rid of Musa, took him and brought him up in his palace.

So, he prayed to Allah with an obedient heart-

رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنْزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ

"My Lord, I am in dire need of whatever good you sent down upon me."-Sura Qasas, 28 : 24

It's a very heartfelt prayer. He prayed for his needs, but he did not make any specific requests. He left it to Allah's will- Whatever you give me, I will accept it. I am a humble beggar at your door.

Allah accepted his prayer. After a while, the two girls returned to Musa shamefacedly. They told him, "Our father is calling you. As you helped us, he wanted to give you a reward for watering our animals."

Musa a.s. understood that Allah had arranged this for him. He prayed to him before a while. So, he agreed to go to their father.

The story after this is long. When Musa reached the home of the old man, he told the old man why he left Egypt. The old man consoled him and told him to stay with them. Musa accepted his offer and made the decision to stay with them.

Musa a.s. returned to Egypt after spending ten years there. He also got prophethood on his way home. And then he began carrying out the duties of a prophet.

We get the lessons of below from Musa a.s.'s prayer and Allah's unseen help-

  1. In every difficulty, we must turn to Allah. And when we pray with complete surrender, Allah will help us.
  2. It is allowed to pray to Allah for some specific things as it is allowed to pray to Allah in general.
  3. Every Muslim must accept gladly whatever decision Allah takes in his favor. Because only Allah knows best where the true benefits lie for him.

Translated by Faijullah

