Jamudal Ula 1444   ||   December 2022

World Cup Football
Qatar Preaches Islam or Western Culture?

Everyone knows about the world cup football tournament. The number of people who are aware of the various aspects related to this tournament is not small. Experienced people also know how much immorality and indecency take place on this occasion in the area where this tournament is arranged. So Muslims have nothing to cheer on this event being held in a Muslim majority country. Finding something positive and then being complacent with it is actually one kind of inferiority complex. Rather, it is worse than that in some ways.

Recently some people have been highlighting certain aspects of the world cup football hosted by Qatar. It is said that Qatar is using world cup football to preach Islam. There is certainly something positive in presentation of some words of hadith at different places on the roadside; but the question that remains unanswered is that on which occasion it is being done? The same question arises about the presence of world-renowned Qaris and Muslim scholars in the stadium.

The question is very simple. Is Qatar preaching Islam among non-Muslims or western lifestyle among Muslims? Is the message of the presence of two or four Qaris in the stadium stronger or message of the presence of the girlfriends of the players, celebrities and models? If it comes to the topic of preaching Islam, then the promotion of western culture is the key here. The whole arrangement is for this. If there is anything from Islam, it is like a drop of water against the sea.

There is another issue more important. That is, what is the nature of Islam? Is Islam a doctrine like the various worldly doctrines? Or it is a complete surrender before Allah inside out?

Many of the political, economical and philosophical doctrines of the present day are only outward propaganda, the aim of which is worldly establishment. But the rules of Islam are not like that. Worldly establishment is not important here. Here it is desirable to be completely surrendered to Allah inside and outside. The piety of Islam cannot be defined by one or two good words or by one or two outwardly religious acts while the whole subject is submerged in worship of lusts. Caution is required in this regard.

Undoubtedly, Islam does not impose hardship. There is nothing impossible or too difficult for people in Islam. But there are laws in Islam. To obey these laws, one should sacrifice and work hard and that is normal to obey any of the laws of the world. Therefore, the presentation of Islam in an easy way does not mean that the lusts of people should also be fulfilled directly or indirectly.

Now the question is, when the world cup football is held in a Muslim country like Qatar, does it become a representation of Islamic education and culture by writing two or four good words of Islam here and there? Is it not childish simplicity to think that Islamic culture is being propagated by writing two or four advice on walls where the whole thing is contrary to Islamic education and culture? That is why it is the duty of those who are talking about those two or four positive things, to discuss at least two things first clearly and elaborately.

First, they should shed light on various aspects of the nature of world cup football and other such events and its financial, moral and ideological disadvantages.

Second, they should highlight the aspects of inconsistency of these events with the beliefs, thoughts, principles and ideals of the majority of Muslims.

After these two points are clear, two or four positive points, which are visible here and there, can be discussed. Otherwise, a wrong message about Islam can be sent to Muslims.

At present, the trend of putting the label of Islam on various aspects of western thought, philosophy and lifestyle is seen widely. It is not worth saying how terrible it is. As it creates a great crisis for the Islamic scholars, it also puts the ordinary Muslims to a great test in understanding Islam correctly and holding themselves to the correct ideals of Islam. If you can become righteous after fulfilling all your lusts, then why will we deprive ourselves! The conscious people must understand how big a test this is for the common Muslims!

That's why those of us who are willing to do a little bit dawah must show awareness and keep everything in its place. We should follow ideals and calls of Haqqani Rabbani Ulama-Mashaikh avoiding over-enthusiasm and haste-tendency.

May Allah grant us tawfiq. Amin.

