Rabiul Auwal 1444   ||   October 2022

Some Valuable Pieces of Advice

Mawlana Mufti Taqi Usmani

Spiritual Nurturing (Bateni Tarbiyat) is Crucial Alongside Outward Academic Learning (Zaheri Ta'lim)
It is very important to nurture students' religious and moral development, alongside their academic pursuits (Ta'lim). Thus, in addition to gaining knowledge, they should actively work on refining their actions and character. This aspect should not be overlooked. Whenever teachers offer guidance, it should be embraced and implemented willingly and put into practice.
Students should diligently strive to perform Salah with congregation (Salah with Jama'at) and Takbir-e-Ula. Keeping remembrance of Allah (dhikr) on their lips should become their habit. Recite these adhkar in particular:

سُبْحَانَ اللهِ، وَالْحَمْدُ لِلهِ، وَلَا إِلَهَ إِلّا اللهُ، وَاللهُ أَكْبَرُ.
Additionally, they should recite Darood Sharif (salutations upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) more and more.
By incorporating these practices into their daily lives, students can enrich their spiritual journey and strengthen their connection to their faith while pursuing their educational pursuits.

Be in the Companionship of Ahlullah (People of God)
A fundamental principle of Islamic society is:
الْمُسْلِمُ مَنْ سَلِمَ الْمُسْلِمُونَ مِنْ لِسَانِهِ وَيَدِهِ.
"A true Muslim is the one from whose mouth and hands other Muslims are safe." Students must actively integrate this principle into their daily lives. The importance of being in the company of Ahlullah should be deeply instilled in the minds of students. They need to comprehend that without the companionship of Ahlullah, individuals cannot become true Muslims.
Ruju' ilallah: The Essence of Madrasah
Serving within religious educational institutions (madaris) is not only a pathway to abundant blessings and rewards, but it also carries significant responsibilities. However, this journey is not without its challenges. To effectively overcome these challenges, prioritizing 'Ruju Ilallah' (turning back to Allah) should take precedence over solely relying on external solutions. Indeed, this approach forms the heart and vitality of the madrasah.
Study Arabic Books and Explanatory Notes
Students should develop the habit of engaging with Arabic texts and their accompanying explanatory notes. Place greater emphasis on studying Arabic literature in the light of 'Sarf' (morphology) and 'Nahu' (grammar). While reciting 'Ibarah' before their Ustadh (teacher), students should actively identify and rectify their own errors. 
It is very important for students to become familiar with Arabic 'Hashiya' (commentaries) and 'Sharh' (explanations). In today's context, the prevalence of Urdu commentaries is diminishing students' ability to access original sources. Hence, developing a comfort level with studying Arabic literature is crucial. This equips them to directly dig into the root texts, nurturing a deeper understanding.
Concentration is a Must for Students
Students should also grasp the truth that knowledge (Ilm) does not tolerate any partners. To acquire knowledge, one must fully submit oneself to it.
الِعلْمُ لَايُعْطِيْكَ بَعْضَه حَتَّى تُعْطِيَه كُلَّكَ
'Ilm will not give you even a drop of it until you give all of yourself to it.'
Hence, students should engage in Mutala‘a (review) and Takraar (repetition) with utmost concentration, and they should listen to and comprehend the Dars (lesson) attentively. A student's mind cannot find tranquility until the lesson is comprehended completely.
Unnecessary meetings, idle conversations, and excessive mobile phone usage are detrimental for students. These distractions should be entirely avoided.
Follow the Sunnah and Cultivate Good Character
Students should place special emphasis on following the Sunnah. Traits like cleanliness, good manners, refraining from disputes, practicing piety and modesty, exhibiting patience and tolerance, showing restraint and moderation, as well as displaying compassion and kindness—all of these attributes are part of the Sunnah. Students should instill the significance of these qualities in their hearts and not neglect them in any way.
Discipline and tidiness are essential components of both the faith and the Sunnah. Thus, students should never become a disorderly group. They should uphold discipline even outside of prayer times.

Source: Monthly Wifaqul Madaris (Pakistan), Jumadal Akhira 1443 AH.

وجَّه شيخُنا شيخُ الإسلام هذه النصائح إلى الأساتذة ليُربُّوا عليها الطلاب، فجعلتُها خطابا للطلاب مباشرةً، فإنهم الذين قصدهم الشيخ بهذه النصائح الغالية

محمد عبد المالك

