Muharram 1444   ||   August 2022

'Ulama's Endeavors in Assisting Flood-Affected Individuals:
Essential, Exemplary, and Commendable

Mufti Abul Hasan Muhammad Abdullah

It's not just at this moment; this fact has been repeatedly proven. The ulama always step forward to help people spontaneously, utilizing whatever resources they have during times of disaster. In places where the calamity is severe, the need for assistance becomes even greater. Relief activities are clearly visible in those areas. Similar instances have also been witnessed during past floods in Sylhet and Sunamganj. When millions of people in the northeastern border districts of the country lost their homes, livestock, and other assets, and many were left devastated by the loss of their children, people from various classes and professions across the country extended their hands in support. Some of these charitable efforts have gone viral through social media.

If the question is raised, which people has contributed the most enthusiastic service to the sufferers of this disaster? The ulama and religious people will undoubtedly come first. However, this answer will come if you ask unbiased and truthful people who lived in the impacted areas, or who performed public service activities in those locations, or who were in danger. In this article, we will try to discuss this issue.

A few years ago, the issue came to light when millions of Rohingya refugees, fleeing persecution by Myanmar's military regime, flooded into the mountainous valleys of Cox's Bazar. From all around the country, Ulama and their followers brought supplies and money to help them.

Ulama from outlying districts and even North Bengal travelled to Ukhia-Teknaf with cash and relief supplies. Several mosques and madrasas have also been built. Unfortunately, the opportunity to continue relief efforts was stopped when the situation came under the rigorous control of regulators due to the involvement of local and international NGOs. However, as long as they had the chance, religious people and ulama served this duty excellently.

It is Fitrat (human nature), it is the teaching of Islam

It is Fitrat to rush to the wellbeing of the suffering people and extend a helping hand to them. The reason for this is inherent in the human nature. He is a real man who feels pity for others when they suffer. He steps forward to help those in need. Humans are referred to as "insan." The Arabic word "uns," which might indicate love, tenderness, or compassion, is said to be the word's origin.

وَمَا سُمِّيَ الْإِنْسَانُ إِلّا لِأُنْسِه  + وَلَا الْقَلْبُ إِلّا أَنَّهُ يَتَقَلَّبُ

 Insan is called Insan because of 'uns' (being kind). Qalb is called Qalb because of 'Taqallub' (being changeable). 

As a result, aiding the needy is intrinsic to the human condition. Since Islam is a natural religion, or "deen e fitrat," it provides the best education for humanity. The  prophet of Islam, Hadrat Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was mercy to all humankind. He was the most generous of mankind. He also left behind for the Muslims many divine sayings inspiring benevolence and compassion.

As he said in a hadith:

تَرَى المُؤْمِنِينَ فِي تَرَاحُمِهِمْ وَتَوَادِّهِمْ وَتَعَاطُفِهِمْ، كَمَثَلِ الجَسَدِ، إِذَا اشْتَكَى عُضْوٌ، تَدَاعَى لَهُ سَائِرُ جَسَدِهِ بِالسّهَرِ وَالحُمَّى.

"The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever". - Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 6011 This human behaviour is mentioned in numerous other verses and hadiths.

The people's faith in the Ulama must be preserved at all costs

Financial resources are essential to support poor individuals. People with low incomes do not have much money. Therefore, the appropriate initiative is crucial in this situation. As in previous years, Ulama and religious people took the lead in relief and rehabilitation efforts following the devastating flood that hit Sylhet-Sunamganj this year. Several small and big groups of Madrasa teachers, khatibs of mosques, and devout Muslims from all parts of the country have and are participating in this relief initiative. There is a substantial need for funds. In addition, a man will only entrust someone with his money if he trusts that other person. He believes that giving my money to this person will enable it to go to its intended recipient more quickly.

Compared to our ancestors, those active in religious activities now have countless flaws and inconsistencies. Despite this, the country's clerical society remains in the front row as a symbol of the people's trust. And this is quite normal. Because, with few exceptions, they continue to be society's guides in honesty, commitment, and antipathy to earthly glory. Therefore, people tend to trust them most. The Ulama also reciprocate this belief. The deposit made by the people is immediately delivered to the correct location. Many people give what little they can from their limited incomes. Now, it is essential to uphold this level of public trust. Please, ensure its preservation at all times.

All the processes, such as collecting people's spontaneous donations, purchasing required things with those funds, and distributing those items to those in need, should be carried out according to proper plans and regulations. At all levels, there must be a commitment to honesty and responsibility. People trust us with their money, so it would be irresponsible to believe that we are above accountability. On the contrary, the more transparency and accountability we show, the greater the confidence people will place in us. Therefore, the people's trust must be preserved. In this regard, I would like to discuss a few words.

Transparency in accounting

The general public has entrusted funds to ulama, imams, khatibs, and other religious leaders. Donors expect these individuals to oversee and execute the charitable project diligently. In this context, it is crucial to maintain a comprehensive record of all transactions, encompassing purchases and distributions. If you are safeguarding the funds for security reasons, it is advisable to delegate financial management responsibilities to an individual with a general educational background, enhancing transparency. If this isn't possible, maintaining detailed records personally is essential. Moreover, it is preferable to inform the donors. The principles of honesty and responsibility need to be emphasized.

Avoid lavishness and extravagance

In addition, it is important to exercise prudence in the allocation of donated funds and resources. With Allah's blessings, Ulama do not have the mentality to misuse funds on extravagant displays, luxury cars and airfares. However, utmost vigilance is required in these circumstances. We should not exhibit any of these characteristics. While participating in relief efforts, we should avoid laughing and joking in front of distressed people. Even at personal cost, we should not show lavishness and extravagance in these situations. It does not suit with the environment and may cause discomfort for vulnerable people. Those who are young generation should pay more attention to these etiquettes. 

Indirect Dawah

These endeavors of the ulama and religious people are very necessary for the present time. Aside from being a religious obligation, it also serves as an indirect Dawah towards Islam. Islamic Dawah is not limited to merely preaching holy words; instead, satisfying an urgent need, lending a helping hand to those in peril, and exhibiting exemplary behavior are significant forms of Dawah. Especially when Islam's opponents take advantage of Muslims' poverty and hardship to deviate them of their faith, this becomes obligatory. Therefore, it is crucially important.

Be always polite

There should be a clear distinction between the relief work of general non-governmental organizations and the relief effort of the ulama and pious class, and by the grace of Almighty Allah, this is the case in many situations. Everyone is familiar with Allah's teachings in the Holy Quran.

يٰۤاَیُّهَا الَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْا لَا تُبْطِلُوْا صَدَقٰتِكُمْ بِالْمَنِّ وَ الْاَذٰی.

O you who have faith! Do not nullify your acts of charity  by boasting about (doing people a) favour and by causing (them) hurt. - Surah Baqarah (2): 264

Therefore, the act of donation and cooperation should be carried out in a manner that shows due respect for the recipient. They are hungry, indigent, and vulnerable. So, it is possible that they may not behave as desired. However, you should not be impatient for this reason.

The context of media

Many people are disappointed with the mainstream media's apathy and lack of coverage. They complain that these positive works of ulama are not promoted by the media at all. Not surprisingly, this is neither shocking, nor saddening. Nothing new has happened in terms of their approach to the religious class on their side. Despite the presence of millions of religious people, the anti-Islamic mainstream media are reluctant to promote it while the same media publicize the gatherings of 20 people widely, who harbor the anti Islamic sentiments. In actuality, they are engaged in implementing the agendas of a specific group. It would be foolish to expect anything different from them. So, there is no need to worry about it. Our main focus should be on work rather than publicity. It is not a business that the more we promote, the more it expands. If you stand by the side of the suffering people in the right way, the benefits will come insha Allah. Some people prefer ringing the bell over fulfilling their responsibilities, a tendency that doesn't align with Islamic principles. Nevertheless, it seems to be the prevailing trend nowadays. In any case, the ulama and religious classes come forward to help the suffering people without thinking about propaganda. This is desirable. 

As I have already mentioned, it is highly expected that these relief activities will play a positive role in the sphere of Islamic Dawah. It serves as a model for others to emulate. All we require is a well-thought-out plan of action and a reliable assessment of public trust. It's important to keep in mind that there are other public relief funds in the country as well, notably the Prime Minister's relief fund. But people entrusted their money to ulama and religious people rather than others. The main issue here is belief and trust. So, this belief and trust must be retained and upheld. Allah Almighty is the sole provider of Tawfiq .

Translated by Alauddin Rafiq


