Sahaba in Learning and Teaching the Correct Recitation of the Holy Quran
Maulana Lut Ahmad
Learning the correct recitation of the Quran is a must for every muslim. There are numerous examples of this in the Seerah of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and in the life of the Sahabah. Whenever a person or tribe or people of a region embraced Islam, the Prophet appointed one or more teachers to teach them Islam and the Qur'an. Along with Aqeeda and Masael, they were also taught the recitation of the Quran. Thus, since the beginning of Islam, the process of learning and teaching recitation of the Qur'an has started and continued. The Prophet himself used to teach the recitation of the Qur'an to the Companions and recite it to them. Allah says:
لَقَدْ مَنَّ اللّٰهُ عَلَی الْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ اِذْ بَعَثَ فِیْهِمْ رَسُوْلًا مِّنْ اَنْفُسِهِمْ یَتْلُوْا عَلَیْهِمْ اٰیٰتِهٖ وَ یُزَكِّیْهِمْ وَ یُعَلِّمُهُمُ الْكِتٰبَ وَ الْحِكْمَةَ ۚ وَ اِنْ كَانُوْا مِنْ قَبْلُ لَفِیْ ضَلٰلٍ مُّبِیْنٍ.
Verily Allah has bestowed (great) favor upon the believers, when He sent unto them a Messenger from among themselves, who recites before them the verses of Allah, purifies them, and teashes them the Book and wisdom, though before this they were in clear error. - Surah Ale Imran (3): 164
In the explanation of this verse, Imam Tabari said-
يقرأ عليهم آي كتابه وتنزيله
That is, he used to recite the verses of the Quran. (Tafseer Tabari 7/379)
Ibn Taymiyyah rh said-
يجب أن يعلم أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بين لأصحابه معاني القرآن كما بين لهم ألفاظه فقوله تعالى: لِتُبَیِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ مَا نُزِّلَ اِلَیْهِمْ يتناول هذا وهذا.
It is important to know that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explained the meaning of the Qur'an to the Companions, in the same way he described the words of the Qur'an. Allah said,
لِتُبَیِّنَ لِلنَّاسِ مَا نُزِّلَ اِلَیْهِمْ .
(O Prophet! I have revealed this book to you,) 'so that you may explain to the people those things which have been revealed to them...' - this verse includes both the meaning and words. (Majmoul Fatawa 13/331)
It is clear from such verses of the Qur'an that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to teach the commands and recitation of the Qur'an.
Abdullah Ibn Masud rh. describes that-
عَلّمَنِي رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلّمَ, وَكَفِّي بَيْنَ كَفّيْهِ, التّشَهّدَ, كَمَا يُعَلِّمُنِي السّورَةَ مِنَ القُرْانِ.
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught me Tashahhud while my hand was between his two hands, as he taught me surah of the Qur'an. - Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 6265
It is clear in this hadith that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to teach his companions the Qur'an word by word.
Sahabah learned not only the correct pronunciation of the Quran from the Prophet; they also learned where to lenghthen the pronunciation and where to make sound in the nose. There are many such narrations in Hadith and Asaar.
It is mentioned in a hadith-
سئل أنس كيف كانت قراءة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم؟ فقال: كانت مدا، ثم قرأ: {بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم} يمد ببسم الله، ويمد بالرحمن، ويمد بالرحيم.
Hazrat Anas was asked, how did the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) recite? He said, The Prophet used to recite with ‘Mad’. Then he recited 'Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim'. He lenghthened the word 'Allah' of 'Bismillah', and "Meem" of "Ar Rahman" , Ha of "And Rahim" - Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 5046
Allama Jalaluddin Suyuti rh. said-
قال القراء: ...ولا شك أن الأمة كما هم متعبدون بفهم معاني القرآن وإقامة حدوده، هم متعبدون بتصحيح ألفاظه وإقامة حروفه على الصفة المتلقاة من أئمة القراء، المتصلة بالحضرة النبوية.
The Imams of Ilmul Qiraat say, is undeniable that just as it is necessary for the Ummah to understand the Qur'an and obey its commands and prohibitions, it is also necessary to read and pronounce the words and letters of the Qur'an correctly; as it has reached us from the Prophet through the Imams of the Quran. -Al-Itqan fi Ulumil Qur'an 1/346
Some examples of learning Tilawat
Learning of Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud R. the recitation of the Quran
Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud says-
أَخَذْتُ مِنْ فِي رَسُولِ اللهِ صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلّمَ سَبْعِينَ سُورَةً, وَلَا يُنَازعُنِي فِيهَا أَحَدٌ
I have learned seventy surahs from the mouth of the Messenger of Allah alone. -Musnad Ahmad, Hadith 4330
Learning of Abu Abdur Rahman Sulami the recitation of the Quran from Ali R
عن عاصم قال ما أقرأني أحد حرفا إلا أبو عبد الرحمن السلمي وكان قد قرأ على علي رضي الله عنه.
Asem rh. says, Abu Abdur Rahman Sulami RA. taught me the recitation of the Quran and he learned it from Ali Radiyallahu Anhu. -Marifatul Qurra, Zahabi 1/29
Those who learned the recitation from Ubai Ibn Ka'b
أخذ عنه القراءة ابن عباس وأبو هريرة وعبد الله بن السائب.
Ibn Abbas R., Abu Huraira R., and Abdullah Ibn Saeeb rh. learned the recitation from Ubai Ibn Ka'b R. -Marifatul Qurra, Zahabi 1/29
Learning of Mu'adh Ibn Jabal R. the recitation from Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud R.
عن عبد الله، قال: جاء معاذ إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال: يا رسول الله أقرئني، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: يا عبد الله أقرئه، فأقرأته ما كان معي، ثم اختلفت أنا وهو إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقرأه معاذ، وكان معلما من المعلمين على عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم.
Abdullah Ibn Masoud R. says, Mu'az Ibn Jabal R. said to the Prophet, ‘O Messenger of Allah! Teach me the Quran! The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, O Abdullah! teach him.
I taught him what I had memorized. Then he and I went to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He read it. Abdullah R. was a teacher in the age of the Propeht (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). - Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaiba, Hadith 30685
Whenever a wafd or delegation came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on behalf of a tribe, he would arrange for them so that they may learn the Qur'an and Islam.
Dr. Mohammad Mostafa Azmi Rh. said-
أما القبائل والأشخاص الذين كانوا يفدون على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقد كانوا يوزعون على دور الأنصار، ليقوموا بضيافتهم وتعليمهم.
ولقد سأل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وفد عبد القيس، “كيف رأيتم كرامة إخوانكم لكم وضيافتهم إياكم؟ قالوا : خير إخوانكم، ألانوا فراشنا، وأطابوا مطعمنا، وباتوا وأصبحوا يعلموننا كتاب ربنا وسنة نبينا صلى الله عليه وسلم، فأعجب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وفرح بنا.”
When different tribes and individuals came as representatives to the Prophet, they were divided among the Ansar companions, so that they would entertain them and teach them the religion.
The Messenger of Allah, (peace and blessings be upon him) asked the delegation of the tribe of Abdul Qays, "How do you see the hospitality of your brothers?"
They said, very good. They arranged soft beds for us, arranged good food. Night and day they taught us the Book of Allah, taught us the Sunnah of the Prophet, (may Allah bless him and grant him peace.) Hearing this, the Messenger of Allah, (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was very happy.' -Musnad Ahmad, Hadith 15559; Dirasat Fil Hadithin Nabawi 1/52-53
Delegation of Amer
وقدم عليه وفد عامر عشرة نفر، فأسلموا وتعلموا شرائع الإسلام، وأقرأهم أبي القرآن وانصرفوا
Ten men of Wafde Amer came to the Prophet. They accepted Islam and learn the precepts of Islam. Ubai Ibn Ka'b R. taught them the recitation of the Qur'an, and then they went back. -Tarikh Ibn Khaldun 2/55
Learning of Uthman Ibn Abeel As the Holy Quran
قدم عثمان بن أبي العاص على رسول الله مع وفد ثقيف وكان أصغر الوفد سنا، فكانوا يخلفونه على رحالهم يتعاهدها لهم، فإذا رجعوا من عند رسول الله وناموا، وكانت الهاجرة، أتى عثمان رسول الله فأسلم قبلهم سرا منهم، وكتمهم ذلك، وجعل يسأل رسول الله عن الدين ويستقرئه القرآن، فقرأ سورا من في رسول الله، وكان إذا وجد رسول الله نائما عمد إلى أبي بكر فسأله واستقرأه. وإلى أبي بن كعب فسأله واستقرأه. فأعجب به رسول الله وأحبه.
Uthman Ibn Abeel As R. came to the Prophet with the delegation of Sakif. He was the youngest of them. The tribesmen used to keep him in the tent to take care of their belongings. When they returned from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and fell asleep at noon, he would come to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He accepted Islam before them and kept it a secret from them. (At that time) he asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about religion. He used to ask him to teach the Quran. Thus he learned some suras from the Prophet's mouth. If he got the Prophet asleep, he would go to Abu Bakr to learn the religion and ask him to teach the Qur'an. He also used to go to Ubayy Ibn Ka'b to learn the religion and asked him to recite the Qur'an. Seeing his interest, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was pleased. -Attbaqat al-Kubra, Ibn Sa'd 6/47
When a city or region was conquered or its people converted to Islam, one or more teachers were sent to teach them the lessions of the religion and the correct recitation of the Qur'an. For example:
Mus'ab ibn Umayr R was sent to Medina to teach the Qur'an
Once during the Hajj season, some people of Madinah accepted Islam and went back to Madina. In the following year, twelve people came to meet the Prophet.
In this context, Allama Zahabi said-
فلما كان العام المقبل خرج منهم اثنا عشر رجلا، فهي العقبة الأولى، فانصرفوا معهم.
وبعث النبي مصعب بن عمير يقرئهم ويفقههم.
Next year (in the Hajj season) twelve people came (to meet the Prophet). This is popularly known as Akabaye Ula. They also go back with all. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) sent Mus'ab Ibn Umayr R. to teach them the recitation of the Qur'an and Masayel of the Deen. -Siaru Alamin Nubala 1/300
Mu'adh ibn Jabal R. was sent to Yemen
Abu Tamim Jayshani Rh. said-
أقرأني معاذ القرآن حين بعثه النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- إلى اليمن.
Muaz r. taught me to recite the Qur'an when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent him to Yemen. -Siaru Alamin Nubala, Zahabi 4/74
Abdullah Ibn Masud R. was sent to Kufa
Haresa Rh. said-
قرئ علينا كتاب عمر: إني قد بعثت إليكم عمار بن ياسر أميرا وعبد الله بن مسعود معلما ووزيرا، وإنهما من النجباء من أصحاب رسول الله من أصحاب بدر، وقد جعلت عبد الله بن مسعود على بيت مالكم، فتعلموا منهما واقتدوا بهما، وقد آثرتكم بعبد الله بن مسعود على نفسي.
Umar r.'s letter was read to us: 'I have sent to you Ammar Ibn Yasir as a leader and Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud as a teacher and governor. They are two noble companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and both are participants of Badr. I put Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud in charge of your Baitul Mal. Learn the religion from them and follow their footsteps. I sent Abdullah (Ibn Mas'ud) to you, preferring you to my needs. -Attbaqat al-Kubra, Ibn Sa'd 6/88
Hazrat Alkama Rh. said-
كنا جلوسا عند عبد الله ومعنا زيد بن حدير، فدخل علينا خبّاب فقال: يا أبا عبد الرحمن أكلّ هؤلاء يقرأ كما تقرأ؟ فقال: إن شئت أمرت بعضهم فقرأ عليك، قال: أجل، فقال لي: اقرأ، ... قال: فقرأت خمسين آية من مريم، فقال خبّاب: أحسنت.
We were sitting near Abdullah (Ibn Mas'ud) R. Zayd Ibn Hudayr was with us. Khabbab Ra. came to our us and said (to Ibn Masud), O Abu Abdur Rahman! Can they all read like you? He said, you can tell anyone, he will read it to you. He (Khabbab R.) said, ok!
Later he said to me, you read!... Alkama rah. said, I read fifty verses of Surah Maryam. (Hearing my reading) Khabbab r. said, Masha Allah! You read very well. -Tarikh Dimashq, Ibn Asakir 41/175
Ubadah Ibn Samet R, Mu'adh Ibn Jabal R and Abu Darda R. were sent to Syria.
قال مُحَمّد بْن كعب القرظي: ... وكان عبادة يعلم أهل الصفة القرآن، ولما فتح المسلمون الشام أرسله عمر بْن الخطاب، وأرسل معه معاذ بْن جبل، وأبا الدرداء، ليعلموا الناس القرآن بالشام ويفقهوهم في الدين، وأقام عبادة بحمص، وأقام أَبُو الدرداء بدمشق، ومضى معاذ إِلَى فلسطين، ثم صار عبادة بعد إِلَى فلسطين.
Muhammad Ibn Ka'b al-Qurazi said, ...Ubada r. used to teach Ahl al-Suffa the Quran. When the Muslims conquered 'Sham', Umar r. sent him with Mu'adh Ibn Jabal R. and Abu Darda R. to Syria to teach people the Qur'an and the religion. Ubada R. stayed in ‘Hims’. Abu Darda r. remained in 'Dimashk' and Mu'az ra. in ‘Palestine’. Later, Ubada also moved to Palestine. - Usdul Gabah 3/158
Abu Darda in the mosque of Dimashk
قال سويد بن عبد العزيز: كان أبو الدرداء إذا صلّى الغداة في جامع دمشق، اجتمع الناس للقراءة عليه، فكان يجعلهم عشرة عشرة، وعلى كل عشرة عريفا، ويقف هو في المحراب يرمقهم ببصره، فإذا غلط أحدهم رجع إلى عريفهم، فإذا غلط عريفهم رجع إلى أبي الدرداء فيسأله عن ذلك.
Suwayd Ibn Abdul Aziz rh. said, after the Fajr prayer in the mosque of 'Dimashk', people would gather around Abu Darda R. to read the Quran. He used to divide ten people into several groups. Every group had an instructor experienced in Tilawat. Abu Darda R. used to stand in the arch and observe them. If one could not read, he would go to his group-instructor. If the instructor could not read, he would have learned from Abu Darda R. -Ma'rifat al-Qurrah, Jahabi, p. 20
There were many people in the gathering of Abu Darda R. Muslim Ibn Mishkam rh. said-
قال لي أبو الدرداء: اعدد من يقرأ عندي القرآن، فعددتهم ألفا وستمائة ونيفا.
Abu Darda R. said to me, I want to count how many people read the Quran to me? I counted, they were more than one thousand six hundred. -Gayatun Nihayah 1/606-607
Abu Musa Ash'ari R. was sent to Basra
About this great Companion Imam Zahabi rh. said-
هاجر إلى النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم، فقدم مع جعفر زمن فتح خيبر، واستعمله النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مع معاذ على اليمن، ثم ولي لعمر الكوفة والبصرة، وكان عالما عاملا صالحا تاليا لكتاب الله، إليه المنتهى في حسن الصوت بالقرآن. روى علما طيبا مباركا وأقرأ القرآن. حدث عنه طارق بن شهاب، وابن المسيب، والأسود، وأبو وائل، وأبو عبد الرحمن السلمي، وربعي بن حراش، وأبو عثمان النهدي وخلق، أقرأ أهل البصرة وأفقههم.
(Abu Musa Ash'ari) migrated to Madinah with Hazrat Ja'far during the victory of Khaybar. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sent him with Mu'adh to Yemen. Later, he was appointed as governor of Kufa and Basra by Umor R. He was a devoted, virtuous and learned scholar. He recited the Quran more. He has no match in reciting the Quran with a melodious voice. (In Basra) He preached the blessed and beneficent knowledge and taught the Qur'an. Tariq Ibn Shihab, Ibnul Musayyib, Aswad, Abu Wael, Abu Abdur Rahman Sulami, Ribayi Ibn Hirash and Abu Uthman Nahdi and many others narrated from him. He was the greatest scholar of the Quran and the greatest jurist in Basra. -Tazkiratul Huffaz 1/22
Along with learning the Qur'an correctly, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also encouraged on reciting it beautifully.
In the case of Quran recitation, there are certain things, which are specific only to the Quran. They are not used anywhere else in the Arabic language. Mad, Imalah, Gunnah, different pronunciations in different types of Gunnah and other matters, which are related only to the recitation of the Qur'an. These matters cannot be acquired by oneself. You have to learn them by listening to the teacher's recitation. If you do not learn Tilawat correctly, there will be mistakes in your Tilawat, due to which your prayer might be ruined. So it is necessary to learn recitation correctly.
It is clear from the quoted incidents that since the acceptance of Islam, the Companions have given much importance to learning and teaching the Qur'an.
We must also be attentive and interested in learning and teaching the Qur'an correctly. Like the Companions, we must be careful about it. If we learn the Qur'an properly and build our lives according to the rules of the Qur'an, we will join the hadith of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) in which the Prophet said, "The best among you is the one who learns and teaches the Qur'an."