Zilhajj 1427   ||   January 2007

Concentration in the Job is the Key to Success

Ishaq Ubaydi

Hadhrat Mawlana Ilyas r.a. had a very good relationship with a Haji Sahib, who was a famous businessman in Delhi. Hadhrat also loved an employee of the businessman, who worked in haji sahib's shop. Once Haji Sahib dismissed the employee from his job. The employee informed Hadhrat Mawlana Ilyas about his dismissal.

One day in the meeting Hadhrat Mawlana Ilyas r.a.  asked Haji Sahib, why did you dismiss such and such? Haji Sahib replied, Hadhrat, the man was very good and trustworthy, he had enough integrity in his work. But lately he had opened another shop of the same products in the market, which he gave to his son. As a result, although he stayed in my shop, but his mind was in his son's shop. He was doing transactions here. But he was always thinking about the improvement of the other shop. I thought that it would damage my shop, so I dismissed him from my shop.

Hearing Haji Sahib's words, Hadhrat was surprised and said, you taught me istikhlas (concentration). This is called istikhlas or concentration. Ikhlas is one thing, istikhlas is another thing. Ikhlas is the name of Lillahiyat and istekhlas is the name of doing a work with full concentration. Ikhlas is not enough for the success of any work; Rather, there is a need for isthikhlas. As long as one does not put his mind and body into his work with undivided concentration, there will be no success in that work. If you are sincere, you will get reward, but success may not come. To be successful, you have to immerse yourself in the work. Every moment, every day and night, you must think of that work. Only then you will be successful.

In the religeon, there are thousands of ways to reach Allah. Since attaining the pleasure of Allah is our main purpose, if we are clinging to any religious service keeping Allah's pleasure in mind, if we only dream of that work at every moment of life, our success will come faster.  

